DeveloperWeek Management 2024 + AI DevSummit 2024 (+ DW...
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Thursday, June 6 • 12:00pm - 12:25pm
[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Improving Your Dev Process by Eating the Elephant One Bite at a Time

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Joshua Marinacci, Trunk.io, Community Engineer

Move dev teams aren’t against tools improvement. Most dev teams really do believe that better tools and automation will make their lives better, let them ship code faster, and increase code quality. Despite this, many teams don’t adopt new tools because they are worried that these will disrupt what’s working; or if it’s not working, then these new tools will be just one more thing they tried that made things worse. The solution isn’t new tools, but rather improving the software development process itself, carefully and strategically.

In this talk we aren’t going to cover agile vs waterfall planning. We aren’t going to cover that one cool framework that will make your code better. It won’t be about a magic tool that will make everything better. This talk is about improving your development processes strategically and incrementally so that you keep shipping while quality and development velocity both go up.

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Joshua Marinacci

Community Engineer, Trunk
For over 25 years Josh Marinacci has worked as software engineer, developer advocate, speaker and author. He has worked at such storied companies as Palm, HP, Nokia, Sun, Mozilla, and Lyft. He is currently the Community Engineer for Trunk.io, a maker of tools to radically improve... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage
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