DeveloperWeek Management 2024 + AI DevSummit 2024 (+ DW...
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Wednesday, June 5

3:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Hacking and Protection of Mobile Apps and Backend APIs. Threat Modeling Exercise
Tomáš Soukal, Talsec, Security Consultant

You should attend this talk if you want to know how mobile apps & APIs are being hacked and what you need to do to protect them. We will explore large-scale attacks targeting backend APIs like botnets, fake registrations, and token hijacking. Whether you're a developer, security professional, or anyone invested in securing mobile applications, this talk equips you with practical insights and proactive measures to safeguard against evolving cyber threats. The talk is aligned with current OWASP MAS practices, focusing on architecture, resiliency, network, and storage areas. Join to stay ahead in protecting your digital assets.

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Tomáš Soukal

Security Consultant, Talsec
I am Tomáš Soukal and my daily bread and butter is explaining the mobile security concepts related to RASP technology.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:00am - 3:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

3:30am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Europe) -- DealBeyond the Deal: Tackling M&A Integration Head-On
Christos Chatzis, Orfium, Associate Director of Engineering
Dimitris Kalaitzidis, Orfium, Director of Engineering

In this presentation, the ambitious journey undertaken by Orfium in its integration with a competitor will be explored, signifying the dawn of a new epoch in our sector. Attention will be drawn to the complex process where two distinct companies were merged into a unified, cohesive organization. The challenges encountered – ranging from the merging of diverse corporate cultures and work methodologies, to the intricacies involved in combining product lines and reconciling differences between cloud-based and on-premises infrastructures – will be detailed. Additionally, the strategies employed to bridge knowledge gaps will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on how these challenges were successfully navigated and transformed into a narrative of triumph. To conclude, insights and lessons gleaned from this audacious integration will be shared, providing a blueprint for similar endeavors in the future. Attendees are invited to an informative session on the dynamics of successful corporate mergers, presented in a comprehensive and enlightening manner. 

avatar for Dimitris Kalaitzidis

Dimitris Kalaitzidis

Director of Engineering, Orfium
With several years of experience in the field of Software Engineering, their journey in iOS development has been marked by continuous growth and achievement. He embarked on his career at ORFIUM during its early stages, demonstrating his dedication and expertise in the domain. Over... Read More →
avatar for Christos Chatzis

Christos Chatzis

Associate Director of Engineering, Orfium
Christos Chatzis is an As. Director of Engineeringin ORFIUM, a technology company providing SW, Data, and Licensing solutions for the entertainment industry's most complex problems around music, content, and rights management.He is passionate about building and improving the Engineering... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:30am - 3:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

4:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Minimal API - Tool for the Job
Karol Rogowski, SoftwareHut, Head of Engineering

Minimal API is a powerful tool for developers looking to build lightweight and efficient web applications. Unlike traditional web frameworks that can be cumbersome and difficult to work with, Minimal API streamlines the development process by providing a simple, yet effective, interface for creating RESTful APIs. With Minimal API, developers can easily define routes, handle HTTP requests and responses, and implement middleware with just a few lines of code. This results in faster development times, improved performance, and reduced complexity. Whether you're building a small application or a large-scale API, Minimal API is the perfect tool for the job. 

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Karol Rogowski

Head of Engineering, SoftwareHut
Working in IT since 2009. Currently working as Head of Engineering at SoftwareHut and as an academic teacher at Białystok Technical University. Co-founder of meet.js Białystok. Book and articles author. Father, husband, huge H.P. Lovecraft fan and terrible poker player.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:00am - 4:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

4:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): The Arazzo Specification – Unlocking API Value for Humans and Machines
Frank Kilcommins, SmartBear, Principal API Technical Evangelist

The disruptive power of AI comes in its ability to truly assist humans. For AI models to carry out meaningful actions upon our request, they need to leverage APIs under the hood. Interacting with APIs consistently is cumbersome for large language models, mainly down varying levels of quality in APIs and their accompanying reference documentation across the industry.

With the intersection of AI and APIs being the nucleus of technical innovation for the years ahead, the question that stands out is: Are we ready for this wave of AI (machine) API consumers? The answer: The Arazzo Specification is coming just at the right time!

The new Arazzo Specification, developed under the OpenAPI Initiative, which enables the ability to craft workflows, a series of API calls, in a human- and machine-readable format. The value on offer from API endpoints can be well understood and consumed faster, making it easier to achieve a specific goal for traditional human consumers – as well as the new wave of AI consumers.

The Arazzo Specification can provide a sufficient level of predictable determinism to AI models, allowing them to offer a natural language abstraction on top of the business use cases, while in parallel giving interoperability benefits to the actual API providers. The result is more value, with less vendor lock-in, and consistent API offerings for both humans and the new wave of AI consumers.

The benefits for human consumers are equally valuable, and the Arazzo Specification affords the ability to unlock API value and improve developer experience for API producers and consumers.

Overall, the Arazzo Specification improves the capability of API specifications to tell the story of the API in a manner that improves interoperability across industries. Join this talk to learn more!

avatar for Frank Kilcommins

Frank Kilcommins

Principal API Technical Evangelist, SmartBear
Frank Kilcommins, API Technical Evangelist at SmartBear, has over 15 years of experience in the technology industry, his roles spanning from software engineering to enterprise architecture. His mission is to inspire, engage with, and support the API community as well as SmartBear... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:30am - 4:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

5:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Breaking Barriers: The Art of (Free) Gamified Security Training
Joseph Katsioloudes, GitHub, Security Lab

In a world where security training often feels like a mundane chore, discover the refreshing impact of gamification and turn learning into an enjoyable experience. Embark on an insightful journey as we unveil the success story of gh.io/securecodegame, an open-source game hosted on GitHub Skills, that attracted over 3,000 developers within the first 6 months.

This session will provide you with an exclusive behind-the-scenes perspective, offering valuable insights and practical strategies to revolutionize various aspects of security training for your benefit. We’ll explore a case study from a tech startup that observed, among the developers who played the game, an increased sense of ownership for code security, improved communication with security teams, and a strong willingness to embrace further security training.

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Joseph Katsioloudes

Security Lab, GitHub
Joseph is a security expert who empowers developers to ship secure software through his research and education work at the GitHub Security Lab. His recent contributions include video content with combined 1M+ views packed with practical security tips, and the free game gh.io/securecodegame... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 5:00am - 5:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

5:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Unveiling WasmCov: Revolutionizing Test Coverage Across Wasm Ecosystems
Noah Jelich, Hacken, Lead Security Researcher

WebAssembly (Wasm) has seen widespread adoption, yet a significant challenge persists—lack of support for comprehensive test coverage solutions like LLVM. In the realm of blockchain, where code vulnerabilities can have severe consequences, relying on automated testing becomes paramount. This presentation delves into the limitations of current test coverage suites for Wasm and introduces an innovative solution - WasmCov. Developed by Noah Jelich and Bartosz Barwikowski at Hacken, WasmCov pioneers the field of Wasm module coverage, providing a robust testing tool to fortify smart contract development in blockchain environments.

Join us as we unveil WasmCov and explore its potential to redefine the reliability and security of Wasm-based smart contracts.

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Noah Jelich

Lead Security Researcher, Hacken
Technical lead with expertise in security research, full stack software engineering, and blockchain development:• Proficient in Rust, Typescript, Solidity, and Python with a strong foundation in information security principles.• Regularly speaks at conferences and panels on topics... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 5:30am - 5:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

6:00am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Europe) -- Lumenalta -- Effective Testing Strategies for Node.js Applications.
Rene Enriquez, Lumenalta, Senior Backend Engineer

In this speech, we dive into the essential aspects of testing Node.js applications. We begin with an overview of testing principles and methodologies, we will explore the most relevant frameworks and libraries available for testing in Node.js. We will emphasize the importance of test-driven development (TDD) covering topics such as mocking, stubbing, and dependency injection for isolating components during testing. By the end of the speech, attendees will gain insights into building a robust testing suite for their Node.js applications, ensuring reliability and maintainability in their development workflows. 

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Rene Enriquez

Senior Backend Engineer, Lumenalta
Rene Enriquez is a senior software engineer known for his expertise in leading development teams and championing software quality. With a passion for cutting-edge technologies, He advocates for collaboration, utilizing pair programming to build trust and empathy within his teams... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 6:00am - 6:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

6:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): JavaScript Supply Chain Security: How Are We Doing?
Edoardo Dusi, SparkFabrik, Developer Relations Engineer

During this presentation, we will analyze the current state of security in the JavaScript ecosystem. We will cover a range of topics, including common vulnerabilities, attack vectors, mitigation strategies, security tools and frameworks, and best practices. Additionally, we will discuss the role of OpenSSF, a collaborative initiative that aims to enhance the security of open source software. Node.js has been selected as the first project to receive funding and assistance from its Alpha-Omega initiative, which strives to improve the security of critical open source projects. By the end of this talk, you will have a clearer understanding of the current state of security in JavaScript and how we can improve our security practices. 

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Edoardo Dusi

Developer Relations Engineer, SparkFabrik
Edoardo is a Developer Relations Engineer at SparkFabrik, a company that helps organisations build digital products with open source technologies. He has a strong software developer and team leader background, working on various projects and platforms. He is passionate about creating... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 6:00am - 6:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

6:30am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Latin America) -- TechIsHiring -- Building Your Front-End with Intention: Architecture and Tooling for Your Next Front-End Project!
Chad Stewart, TechIsHiring, Founder

Front-End code bases can quickly become really difficult to maintain or add new features to. This mainly comes from our Front-End components being highly coupled either through poorly written CSS or components having too many responsibilities

But there is a way we can avoid these such code bases.

We will learn in this talk how building your Front-End Architecture with intention will keep code bases manageable and easy to reason about, allowing for rapid development and easily responding to changing requirements. And we will also learn how this also leads to code bases that’s easier for new people to onboard and contribute to, allowing them to learn the code base at their own pace.

This is done by leveraging Component-Driven Design and Brad’s Frost’s Atomic Design to promote component isolation. With the attributes these architectural decisions promote, we can leverage techniques such as Functional CSS to further promote component isolation by inverting the flow of control of our CSS. These and other tools and techniques will allow us to build a code base of loosely coupled components, where Engineers only need to understand the component they are working in to start providing value.

By the end of this talk, those in attendance will have the tools they’ll need to build or migrate their code bases to something more loosely coupled, decreasing Engineering time for tasks, promoting rapid iteration and simply making a Front-End code base much more of a joy to work in.

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Chad Stewart

Founder, TechIsHiring
Chad R. Stewart is a Full Stack Engineer from Kingston, Jamaica. He is the Founder of TechIsHiring, a space run primarily from Twitter that serves as a resource for people looking to find a new role in Tech by promoting job seekers, job opportunities and supportive information and... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 6:30am - 6:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

6:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): The Hackers Guide to Software Supply Chain Attacks
Mackenzie Jackson, GitGuardian, Developer and security advocate

Take a step into the world of black hat hacking groups and follow them step by step through a supply chain attack.

Software supply chain attacks have forever changed the security landscape, enabling attackers to target more victims with increasingly sophisticated attacks. But how do these supply chain attacks unfold in reality? This talk reviews high-profile attacks and then recreates the steps through a series of live demos to uncover and unmask how supply chain attacks unfold and how we can prevent them. We focus on three methods of attacking the supply chain:
Attacking the CI/CD pipeline
Breaching the version control systems (VCS)
Poisoning open-source dependencies
Abusing AI package hallucinations

At the end of the presentation, we'll synthesize our findings into effective  

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Mackenzie Jackson

Developer and security advocate, GitGuardian
Mackenzie is a developer advocate with a passion for DevOps and code security. As the co-founder and former CTO of a health tech startup, he learnt first-hand how critical it is to build secure applications with robust developer operations.Today as the Developer Advocate at GitGuardian... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 6:30am - 6:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

7:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Apache Pulsar: Finally an Alternative to Kafka?
Julien Jakubowski, StreamNative, Developer Advocate

Today, when you think about building event-driven and real-time applications, the words that come to you spontaneously are probably: RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, or Kafka. These are the solutions that dominate this landscape. But have you ever heard of Apache Pulsar?

After a brief presentation of the fundamental concepts of messaging, you'll discover the Apache Pulsar features that enable you to build amazing event-driven applications.
You'll learn the following:
- how Apache Pulsar architecture differs from other brokers
- how it enables scaling processing power & data independently, quickly, and with no hassle
- how it guarantees high durability of messages across nodes and different data centers
- how it covers the use cases of both RabbitMQ & Kafka while involving a single broker
- how to integrate Pulsar with your existing application portfolio
- and more

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Julien Jakubowski

Developer Advocate, StreamNative
Julien Jakubowski is a Developer Advocate at StreamNative with over 20+ years of experience as a developer, staff engineer, and consultant. He has built several complex systems with distributed, scalable, and event-driven architecture for various industrial sectors such as retail... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 7:00am - 7:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

7:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Deliver Better Results: How to Level up Your Value Delivery
Gil Broza, 3P Vantage, Value Delivery & Agile Leadership Expert

Your organization needs to improve (perhaps even transform) its product development or solution delivery. But how? Big-bang change is risky and hard, team retrospectives have limited impact, and well-known practices and frameworks don’t always deliver the promised results.

Drawing from his experience supporting over 100 client organizations, Gil Broza has developed a novel roadmap for achieving meaningful and sustainable improvement. This non-dogmatic approach outlines a leadership foundation and 10 sequential strategies that will gradually make your whole system of value delivery more fit for purpose. These strategies are adaptable to your operating model, whether it’s product-oriented or project-oriented, agile or hybrid, single-team or scaled.

Come to this session to discover a quick, process-agnostic, and metrics-free method for assessing your value delivery system's fitness level. Learn about the 10 strategies and which ones to apply in your current situation. You’ll walk away with a practical model that respects human systems' capacity for change without being philosophical, touchy-feely, or prescriptive.

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Gil Broza

Value Delivery & Agile Leadership Expert, 3P Vantage
Gil Broza specializes in helping tech leaders deliver far better results by upgrading their organizations’ Agile ways of working. He also supports their non-software colleagues in creating real business agility in their teams. Gil has helped over 100 organizations achieve real... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 7:00am - 7:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

7:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): The Wild West…East, North and South: Geo-Distributed Java Apps in the Cloud
Luis Carrasco, YugabyteDB, Principal Solutions Engineer

Cloud providers allow us to provision our application infrastructure in cloud regions and availability zones around the world. This makes it possible to build Java apps that serve user requests with low latency from nearly anywhere. However, only a few deploy application instances across several distant geographies.

This hands-on session introduces you to the design patterns of geo-distributed Java applications in the cloud with a focus on latency and response time. We'll start with a traditional single-region configuration and then switch to a multi-region setting. In the end, we'll have  

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Luis Carrasco

Principal Solutions Engineer, YugabyteDB
Mr. Carrasco is a multi-disciplinary IT & Software professional with around 23 years of experience insoftware implementation, integration and development both on premise and cloud. Through all phases ofsoftware implementation and development projects, partner with business and technical... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 7:30am - 7:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

7:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Cloud-Native Software Supply Chain Security: The Hard Truth
Daniel Drack, FullStackS GmbH, Senior DevOps Engineer

Everybody is talking about SBOM, attestation, MFA, signatures and other security measures - but who is actually implementing them?

This session mixes things up with a hybrid approach, based on the insights from a master's thesis that looks into how people are adopting security measures in software supply chains. We'll take a journey through the bits and pieces of cloud-native software supply chains, spotlighting the security steps for each part. Expect a friendly chat about what's currently working best, the bumps we might hit along the way, and some cool tools that can help. Plus, we've got some fresh data on how these practices are catching on (or not) in the real world, straight from our survey. This talk is your ticket to understanding the now of supply chain security and seeing how much of it is actually being put to use.

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Daniel Drack

Senior DevOps Engineer, FullStackS
Daniel started his IT carreer as an administrator for ETL and BI tools. He then worked some time in a data warehousing team before diving into all topics devops and cloud native. In his current role he is a DevOps and cloud-native consultant with FullStackS GmbH. Daniel holds a BSc... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 7:30am - 7:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

8:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Observability Concepts Every Developer Should Know
Paige Cruz, Chronosphere, Developer Advocate

Monitoring and observability aren’t traditionally found in software curriculums and many of us cobble this knowledge together from whatever vendor or ecosystem we were first introduced to and whatever is a part of your current company’s observability stack.

While the dev and ops silo continues to crumble….many organizations still relegate monitoring & observability as the purview of ops, infra and SRE teams. This is a mistake - achieving a highly observable system requires collaboration up and down the stack.

I, a former op, would like to extend an invitation to all application developers to join the observability party will share these foundational concepts to build on:

* weighing which telemetry type to leverage when instrumenting
* understanding the path telemetry takes from your application, to any processing pipelines, and all the way to being stored and queryable
* evaluating timeseries graphs!

avatar for Paige Cruz

Paige Cruz

Developer Advocate, Chronosphere
Paige Cruz is a Senior Developer Advocate at Chronosphere passionate about cultivating sustainable on-call practices and bringing folks their aha moment with observability. She started as a software engineer at New Relic before switching to Site Reliability Engineering holding the... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 8:00am - 8:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

8:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): How Writing Just One Import the Wrong Way Slows Down Your Website
François Martin, Karakun AG, Senior Full Stack Software Engineer

Tree shaking is a feature that is used by modern bundlers to keep bundle size down (and load times fast), but if just one import is written in a non-optimal way, this can result in the whole dependency being included in the bundle. In some cases, this even happens with automatically suggested imports by the IDE. Learn about the correct way of importing from dependencies, tricks you can use to easily determine the impact on bundle size, and why having a lot of dependencies may not be as bad as you think! 

avatar for François Martin

François Martin

Senior Full Stack Software Engineer, Karakun
François Martin is a senior full stack software engineer at Karakun AG, living in Switzerland. He is an active open source contributor and co-author of the two open source JavaFX frameworks WorkbenchFX and PreferencesFX, an active member of the Swiss Testing Board and he participates... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 8:00am - 8:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

8:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Preparing for Success: A Startup's Infrastructure Performance Optimization Journey
Daniel Idlis, OwnID, Senior Software Engineer

In this lecture I will walk you through the load testing & infrastructure performance optimization journey that I led at OwnID so you can learn how we were able to make our product more robust, resilient and cost-efficient.
This real-life case study will demonstrate how we were able to gain more confidence in our product's infrastructure performance and reduce AWS costs by thousands of dollars a month.

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Daniel Idlis

Software Engineer, Melio
A curious software engineer with 7 years of experience in various technical positions and a bachelor's degree in computer science.Enthusiastic about software architecture & product design.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 8:30am - 8:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

8:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Cypress, Playwright or Selenium: Choosing the Right Testing Tool
Soumaya Erradi, Atlantis, Senior Software Developer

In the dynamic world of software development, ensuring the quality and reliability of applications is crucial, and test automation plays a vital role in achieving this.
However, with a multitude of test automation tools available, finding the right one for your project can be overwhelming.
While Cypress, Playwright, and Selenium stand out as the most popular choices, the decision between them often depends on the specific needs of your project and the programming language you prefer.
In this session, we'll dive into practical examples to demonstrate how these tools work, explore the pros and cons of each and learn what factors to keep in mind for specific project requirements.

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Soumaya Erradi

Senior Software Developer, Atlantis
I'm Soumaya Erradi and I'm a software developer and an IT teacher.I'm high skilled in web development (frontend and backend), specialized in developing enterprise applications using Angular.Currently, I'm working as frontend lead developer in a team focused on blockchain app development.I'm... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 8:30am - 8:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

9:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): ChatGPMe: Make Your AI Twin Using Your WhatsApp Chats!
Aldan Creo, Accenture The Dock, Technology Research Specialist

Have you ever wondered how other people feel when they talk to you? Now you'll know!

In this session we'll take our WhatsApp message history and use it to train our own versions of ChatGPT. Your experiences, your opinions, your secrets... We'll use them all to build a chatbot that speaks and thinks like you. Your digital twin!

But be careful! Talking to yourself can be very addictive. Please don't leave your friends and loved ones for your self-AI :)

Join us! We'll keep things simple, no previous knowledge required!

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Aldan Creo

Technology Research Specialist, Accenture The Dock
Aldan studied CS in Spain, France and Switzerland, graduating as valedictorian. He completed 4 internships and was selected by Django as a Google Summer of Code contributor. He received a grant from the Spanish government to undertake research on Natural Language Processing. He garnered... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

9:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Quality Assurance from Square One
David Handlos, DPA Auctions, VP Software Engineering

Managing a quality assurance process isn't easy. Establishing one from scratch is even harder. How do you do it?

The answer sounds easy: One step at a time. But what is step one? And what's step two? How do you know if you're moving in the right direction?

We'll cover lessons learned from starting testing processes from square one in 3 different organizations, and how these lessons can be put to work anywhere.

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David Handlos

VP Software Engineering, DPA Auctions
David is an engineer with 20+ years of IT experience working in software development, quality assurance, and data science. He is currently Vice President of Software Engineering for DPA Auctions, an online auction house specializing in agriculture, construction and transportation... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

9:00am PDT

Conference Virtual Challenge
Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:00am - 5:00pm PDT
Virtual Expo Hall

9:00am PDT

Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:00am - 5:00pm PDT
  3. Expo Hours

9:30am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (AI): Neo4j-- Give Your LLMs a Left Brain
 Stephen Chin, Neo4j, VP of Developer Relations

The human brain is divided into two hemispheres and each specializes in different types of tasks. Your right brain is great at imagination, intuition, art, rhythm, feelings, and dreams. While the left brain is more analytical and focused on logic, sequencing, linear thinking, and mathematics. Just like a human brain, generative AI excels at certain tasks, especially those to do with right-brain creative activities. However, in the absence of relevant and up-to-date information this produces confusing hallucinations that are not grounded in reality. In this presentation we will explore how knowledge graphs built with factual and updated information can be used to complement LLMs via graph retrieval augment generation (GraphRAG) in order to produce more reliable results.

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Stephen Chin

VP of Developer Relations, Neo4j
Stephen Chin is VP of Developer Relations at Neo4j, member of the Open AI Alliance, and author of numerous titles with O'Reilly, Apress, and McGraw Hill. He has keynoted numerous conferences around the world including Devoxx, DevNexus, JNation, JavaOne, Joker, swampUP, and Open Source... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

9:30am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Europe) -- Oracle -- A Solid Foundation for GenAI Apps - Exploring Architectural Blueprints for LLM Solutions with Java
Juarez Junior, Oracle, Software Engineering, Solutions Architecture, Developer Relations

This talk will explore the main architectural blueprints for Java GenAI Applications. It will provide some reference architectures and solutions for building LLM-based agents. Code examples with Spring AI, LangChain4J and OpenAI will be presented, along with vector databases.

The talk comprises the most common design patterns for building GenAI solutions with Java, offering insights on addressing the most typical requirements for such applications, approaching recurrent problems, and breaking them into manageable components to unlock the potential of LLMs with Java.

avatar for Juarez Junior

Juarez Junior

Software Engineering, Oracle
Juarez Barbosa Junior is a Sr. Principal Java Developer Evangelist - Director of Developer Evangelism at Oracle. Previously, he was an Azure Developer Relations Lead at Microsoft and a Thought Leader and Technical Evangelist at IBM. He has over 20 years of professional experience... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

9:30am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Management): Okteto -- The ROI of Developer Happiness
Ramiro Berrelleza, Okteto, Founder

Leaders always need to think about ROI when investing in people and software. Today, the typical way to measure this is by leaning on DORA-style metrics: How often is code shipped, how long does it take to fix an issue discovered in production, or how many tickets we close on a given sprint. It's a reasonable path: it's easy to measure, and there's enough research that proves that there's merit in this approach.

But this approach is missing something fundamental. The role of developers, from small companies to enterprises, is not to write code or ship features. It's to create business value through software. And this is, at its core, a creative endeavor. And creative endeavors need positive environments to thrive.

In this talk, Ramiro, founder, and CEO of Okteto, one of the leading companies in developer productivity and development experience, will make a case for why technical leaders need to consider the ROI of developer happiness. During the talk, we'll discuss why developer happiness matters, how to measure it, why leading companies in our industry are investing in this, and how we can foster developer happiness in our teams, organizations, and companies.

Join the conversation, and let's learn together why a happy developer is a productive developer.

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Ramiro Berrelleza

Founder, Okteto
Ramiro Berrelleza is one of the founders of Okteto. He has spent most of his career (and his free time) building cloud services and developer tools. Before starting Okteto, Ramiro was an Architect at Atlassian and a Software Engineer at Microsoft Azure. Originally from Mexico, he... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

9:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): The Infrastructure That Powers ML Training at Pinterest
Karthik Anantha Padmanabhan, Pinterest, Senior Engineering Manager

This talk delves into the infrastructure behind training large models at Pinterest. It covers three essential components: training hardware, compute orchestration, and ML application development SDKs. Throughout the talk, we will highlight Pinterest's use cases, showcasing the practical applications and impact of the above three pillars on dev velocity and model training efficiency. We will also talk about how Pinterest uses AWS UltraCluster to enable efficient large scale model training. 

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Karthik Anantha Padmanabhan

Senior Engineering Manager, Pinterest
Karthik is a Senior Engineering Manageer at Pinterest leading the ML Training Infrastructure team.He has experience working on ML infrastructure for more than 7 years and has worked on Distributed Systems and Data infrastructure at Twitter and Pinterest.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

9:30am PDT

AI DevSummit Certificate Program
Attend 8 talks at AI DevSummit and earn a AI DevSummit Certificate.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:30am - 5:00pm PDT
  2. Experiences & Official Events

9:30am PDT

DeveloperWeek Management Certificate Program
Attend 8 talks at DeveloperWeek Management and earn a Management Certificate.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:30am - 5:00pm PDT

10:00am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (AI): Intuit -- Gen AI Unleashed: The Pioneering Role of Product Managers in Crafting the Future
Sharmila More, Intuit, Platform Product Management Leader

In today's digital age, Generative AI has significantly transformed various areas of software product development. While there's been plenty of literature on how Gen AI can assist PM jobs such as generating ideas, writing User stories, or defining your product market fit, very few articles provide insights into how it changes the product development lifecycle and the role of Product Managers in influencing their teams in embracing this technology.
To analyze the impact of Gen AI and its intersection with PM roles, a necessary prerequisite would be for Product Managers to understand the basics of these technologies.
Some of the critical areas of product development that have undergone a transformation with the introduction of Generative AI are as follows:
Determining whether LLM is even the appropriate solution to address your customer problem or you should embrace the engineering solution.
A thorough assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of an Open source vs Closed source LLM.
Understand potential upfront costs, ongoing expenses, and the cost-to-benefit ratio of implementing a Generative AI solution.
Properly address data sensitivity concerns keeping in mind compliance and security reviews.
Effect of unpredictability and experimentation involved in LLMs to time-to-market.
Is it acceptable for your solution to have a probabilistic output?
Emphasize the importance of responsible AI, adhering to ethical and legal protocols.
Product Managers must devise metrics to measure the benefits of Generative AI in product development, with the idea of continuous improvement and innovation in the PM function.
In conclusion, this proposal focuses on the emerging need for PMs to remain up-to-date on the current developments in LLM and Generative AI and how they can use these technologies to their advantage, ultimately contributing to increased customer value and organizational growth.

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Sharmila More

Platform Product Management Leader, Intuit
I embarked upon my professional journey as a software engineer and have since retained a deep-rooted passion for technology. Over time, I have worked in various roles, spanning from Engineering Manager to IC to Technical Program Manager, and I am presently working as a Platform Product... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

10:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Policyless AI-Driven Data Security
Priyanka Neelakrishnan, Palo Alto Networks, Product Line Manager

Traditionally, data security has been always dependent upon policies configured by security administrators to detect vulnerabilities and safeguard data. The effectiveness of data security is primarily dependent upon the quality of the policies that were created. In this session we will explore how we can apply Artificial Intelligence to secure data without administrators having to configure policies. We are going to discuss how feedback mechanisms can be implemented so that security systems can learn from its environment and provide world class security proactively preventing all sensitive information leaks. 

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Priyanka Neelakrishnan

Product Line Manager, Palo Alto Networks
Priyanka Neelakrishnan is a forward-thinking product leader with over a decade of demonstrated continuous expertise in the field of data security. She has conceptualized, led, and launched multiple innovative data security solutions at leading security giants like Palo Alto Networks... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

10:00am PDT

[Virtual[ OPEN TALK (Management): Scale Your Data Pipelines Safely with Open Source
Marisa Smith, Tobiko Data, Developer Advocate

Data. It's everywhere- used for everything. It helps us make intelligent business decisions, makes our teams more efficient and transparent, trains our AI and ML models, or allows users to access info. Yet, our engineering teams face several complex challenges when updates or new features are needed for downstream data assets.

These problems include costly data outages, inaccurate reporting or metrics affecting the business outcomes, and delayed deliverables due to complex communication chains. Because of these problems, engineers and data practitioners often resort to building new pipelines and datasets instead of changing existing ones, escalating technical debt and increasing complexity. These factors drive up development costs, slow iteration speed, and make data less reliable.

At the heart of the open-source project SQLMesh, we have created a novel data pipeline development workflow from our combined experience at companies like Airbnb, Apple, Google, and Netflix. We designed this data transformation tool to handle complexities associated with evolving data pipelines at the internet scale. In this session, we will discuss the innovations and core concepts of SQLMesh and show how it has helped other data teams scale data safely, quickly and reliably.

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Marisa Smith

Developer Advocate, Tobiko Data
Marisa had an exciting path that led her to Developer Advocacy. With a background in theoretical and computational physical chemistry, she's run experiments at particle accelerators worldwide. But after finishing her Ph.D., she moved into industry. As Streamlit's first developer advocate... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

10:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Abstractions, Reuse and Productivity - The Triangle of Efficiency in the SDLC
Mifan Careem, WSO2, Chief Solutions Officer

2023 was the year of efficiency. As the industry trended towards doing more with less, the focus of software development also shifted focus towards productivity. Enterprises and teams are looking at becoming more productive and efficient - which essentially means producing better, faster, cheaper, secure products, with a faster time to market and lesser engineering effort.

Reuse is the gold standard in software development that most organizations are aiming for. Having the right level of abstractions is the first step in enabling reuse at multiple levels - be it at application level with APIs, infrastructure level with Kubernetes, or going a notch higher with integration programming and no-code platforms, Platform DevOps with Platform engineering all the way to platform-less concepts. There is no one size fit all solution for enterprises of all sizes though, and picking the right areas to build vs buy vs abstract is critical. In this talk, we look at what the right levels of abstraction mean to different organizations, the economic value and compounding effect of reuse at different levels, and how productive various abstractions are in reality.

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Mifan Careem

WSO2, Chief Solutions Officer
Mifan is the Chief Solutions Officer at WSO2. He heads the Solution Architecture function, the team that handles customer technical interactions and technical selling at WSO2. Mifan also works on the solutions side of WSO2 products. He works with many large customers to define their... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

10:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Integrating Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure OpenAI to Build Intelligent Apps
Daniel Paulus, Delegate, Managing Consultant

In this session, we'll explore the world of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and discover how it's the backbone for integrating cutting-edge Azure services, like Azure OpenAI, into your applications.

I'll also show you how to craft resilient, scalable applications like a pro, using modern practices to enhance your infrastructure's scalability and reliability. Plus, we'll explore the ins and outs of automation with CI/CD using GitHub, so your projects stay ahead in the race.

By joining me in this session, you'll gain a deep understanding of how to architect and deploy impactful, intelligent applications on Azure. And let's be real - who doesn't want to be a digital superstar? So, grab a seat, and let's get started on taking your Azure app development game to the next level!

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Daniel Paulus

Managing Consultant, Delegate
Daniel is a serial conference and meetup organiser. He's a Managing Consultant at Delegate, a Microsoft Azure focused consultancy company, and a Microsoft Azure MVP. He helps companies succeed with Cloud Native technologies and DevOps practices. When not working with tech you can... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

10:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Digital Signatures Decoded Crafting an In-House E-Signing Microservice
Amol Gote, Innova Solutions - Client iCreditWorks, Solutions Architect

In the digital era, digital document signing is a must for businesses, especially in the fintech domain. While third-party solutions are prevalent, there's a compelling case for in-house development. This approach grants businesses enhanced control, adaptability, and potential cost savings.

This presentation will explore the intricacies of creating an e-signing service, emphasizing the pivotal role of the e-Sign Act in ensuring the validity of electronic signatures. We'll also spotlight open-source tools used in this endeavor, such as Spring Boot with Java and various cloud storage options. A significant focus will be placed on the rigorous security measures employed to protect signed documents, ensuring their integrity and confidentiality in compliance with industry standards. Central to our discussion will be the journey of iCreditWorks, a fintech company that transitioned to an in-house e-signing solution. Attendees will gain insights into the challenges, solutions, and rewards of such a transition through this narrative.

By the session's conclusion, participants will have a holistic understanding of building an e-signing service and could leverage the open-source e-signing framework developed by iCreditWorks. The framework includes strategies for securing signed documents against unauthorized access and tampering.

Here is the open-source project GitHub link: https://github.com/iCreateWorks/esigning 

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Amol Gote

Solutions Architect, Innova Solutions
Amol Gote is a seasoned technology professional adept at building scalable, resilient microservices in Java and .NET. He excels at deploying and managing microservices in AWS and Azure environments and boasts technical proficiency across multiple applications and tools. His expertise... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

10:30am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Management): LinearB -- How Can Engineering Leaders Measure the Impact of GenAI
Ben Lloyd Pearson, LinearB, Director of Developer Relations

Generative AI has taken the world by storm since its general availability to the public in early 2023. Going from novel technology to commodity in months, this disruptive technology quickly found applications in the software development world - and many engineering organizations are trying to capitalize on the disruptive technology.

Nearly every engineering organization has adopted, or is thinking about adopting GenAI as a tool for developers. It has become wildly popular for everything from generating code, to writing and deploying tests, pull request reviews, experimentation and PoCs and much more. But who checks the machines?

In this talk I'll dive into the actual measurable outcomes - positive and negative - of adopting GenAI in engineering organizations. While engineering leaders rapidly jumped on the GenAI bandwagon, many are still struggling to quantify its value, not to mention manage its risks. This talk will discuss how and what to measure to understand adoption, quantify benefits and control risks in your initiative to leverage AI in your engineering organization. Join us to learn about the specific metrics you should be monitoring to ensure maximizing ROI on your GenAI engineering org initiatives.

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Ben Lloyd Pearson

Director of Developer Relations, LinearB
Ben Lloyd Pearson is a thought leader in developer experience, advocacy, and relations. He is a technology generalist that focuses his broad range of capabilities on growing and engaging developer audiences through digital media, open source advocacy, experiential activations, and... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

10:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Solving Enterprise Use Cases through Agents
Chris Chang, Gradient, CEO & Cofounder

Have you ever struggled to make an LLM perform the task that you intend? Providing more raw context is still only a stop gap. Even though new releases of models such as Gemini support context lengths of up to 1M tokens, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is brittle to the retrieval mechanism and often fails to reconcile between multiple sources of context. The same failure points are amplified when introducing Autonomous Agents due to compounding effects of chaining multiple tasks together.

Learn how to build a reliable production AI Agent System and apply it to high stake industries such as financial services and healthcare. We will deep dive into sentiment analysis as an unexpected and useful showcase of how you can go from a naive system to production level performance through a composable AI system to manage an agent’s memory, connect it to the higher-level concept of sentiment, and utilize reasoning traces for continual performance enhancement.

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Chris Chang

CEO & Co-Founder, Gradient
Chris is the Co-Founder and CEO at Gradient, a full stack AI platform that enables businesses to build customized agents to power enterprise workloads. Chris most recently led Studio AI at Netflix and was an architect of early domain expert LLMs for content production and intelligence... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

10:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): So You’ve Been Acquired. Now What? How Do You Lead through This Transition?
Eddie Tejeda, ThoughtSpot, Senior Director of Engineering
Divya Ranganathan, ThoughtSpot, Director of Engineering

In this industry, mergers and acquisitions are common. When your company is acquired by a bigger organization, what should you expect? We will share lessons from our journey of merging engineering teams, cultures, and practices.

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Divya Ranganathan

Director of Engineering, ThoughtSpot
Divya Ranganathan has trained in Indian Classical Music since the age of 5 and knows that a great symphony requires alignment and a unique tone can be the voice of change. She brings the same mindset to leadership of blending diverse perspectives and setting the right tone. She led... Read More →
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Eddie Tejeda

Senior Director of Engineering, ThoughtSpot
Eddie Tejeda builds data platform and platform engineering teams. Previously, he co-founded a company that was acquired and led the integration of the products. He is now the Senior Director of Engineering at ThoughtSpot Inc., leading the integration of the engineering teams at another... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

10:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Creating Your Own LLM from Opensource Models
Sebastiano Galazzo, Maia, Artificial intelligence researcher

From a "simple" finetuning to your own Mixture of Expert model using opensource models.
Nowadays training from scratch an LLM is a so huge effort also for very big company. Starting from pre-trained models to create your own model is no more a way for resourceless companies, but a often a must starting point.

- Lora
- Quantization and QLora
- Injecting embeddinds model into Lora to manage multiple Lora adapters.
- Mixing models
- Creating your MoE (Mixture of experts) model using several finetuned (Your own) models

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Sebastiano Galazzo

Artificial intelligence researcher, Maia
Winner of three AI awards, I’ve been working in AI and machine learning for 25 years, designing and developing AI and computer graphic algorithms.I’m very passionate about AI, focusing on Audio, Image and Natural Language Processing, and predictive analysis as well.I received... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

10:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Ensuring Data Consistency of Distributed Transactions in Cloud Native Applications
Todd Little, Oracle, Chief Architect Oracle Transaction Processing Products
Brijesh Deo, Oracle, CMTS

In the era of microservices architecture, ensuring the consistency of data when using transactions across distributed components is a critical challenge. In this session, we will dive into the challenges of distributed transactions across multiple services and review several transaction patterns to ensure data consistency for such applications. We will dive deeper into a few of the transaction patterns and develop a Spring Boot application that implements distributed transactions, in a dynamic microservices environment, and ensures data consistency while still maintaining scalability and reliability. We will also explore available off-the-shelf solutions, which make it easy to implement transaction patterns in microservices using popular frameworks such as Spring Boot, Helidon, and Micronaut among others. 

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Todd Little

Chief Architect, Oracle
Todd Little is chief architect for transaction processing products at Oracle, including the Oracle Tuxedo product family, Oracle Blockchain Platform, and Oracle Transaction Manager for Microservices (MicroTx). Todd is responsible for defining the technical strategy and direction for... Read More →
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Brijesh Deo

CMTS, Oracle
Brijesh Deo is a CMTS in the Blockchain and Distributed Transactions Technology team in the Database organization at Oracle. He is passionate about distributed systems and cloud technologies and specializes in Kubernetes, Microservices, and Java. Brijesh has a rich industry experience... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

11:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Gemini vs. GPT4? The Science of LLM Benchmarks
Philip Tannor, Deepchecks, Co-Founder & CEO
Shir Chorev, Deepchecks, Co-founder & CTO

In this talk, we'll delve into the methods, metrics, and insights behind popular LLM Benchmarks, and learn how to review them effectively. We’ll take a close look at some of the notable leaderboards and LLM benchmarks (such as MMLU, HellSwag, TruthfulQA, MT-Bench) and understand their complexities and uniqueness. Ultimately, we’ll answer the question: did Gemini really outperform GPT4?
Finally, we’ll differentiate between evaluating LLM models to evaluating LLM based applications, and connect the discussion back to practical, real-world applications.

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Shir Chorev

Co-founder & CTO, Deepchecks
Shir is the co-founder and CTO of Deepchecks, an MLOps startup for continuous validation of ML models and data. Previously, Shir worked at the Prime Minister’s Office and at Unit 8200, conducting and leading research in various Machine Learning and Cybersecurity related challenges... Read More →
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Philip Tannor

Co-Founder & CEO, Deepchecks
Philip is the co-founder and CEO of Deepchecks. Philip is an experienced Data Scientist and in thepast, he led a top-tier ML research group that tackled difficult problems from various disciplines(NLP, Computer Vision, Signal Processing, etc).Philip has a B.Sc. in Physics from the... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

11:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): Building a Data Platform for Foundation Models Based on Open Standards
Rakesh Jain, IBM, Senior Technical Staff Member & Researcher

In this session, we will describe how we built the Data Management Platform based on open table format Apache Iceberg, serving terabytes of data. The primary use case - data preprocessing for foundation models training at large scale. In addition, the Lakehouse was extended to support model checkpoints store and controlled sharing, providing a full Data and Model Factory experience. We will talk about various approaches we tried with focus on data acquisition, governance, preprocessing, leading up to tokenization, maintaining lineage from data to models and back.
In addition, the platform has been extended to support other aspects of foundation models, including fine tuning, evaluation, Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) etc. We will also talk about different strategies we adopted to deal with small data and big data, so that we can provide a seamless experience to different user bases of our Data Pl

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Rakesh Jain

Senior Technical Staff Member & Researcher, IBM
Rakesh Jain is Chief Architect and Researcher with IBM Research in San Jose CA. He is an expert in building large scale distributed platforms, data analytics, cloud automation, storage management and high availability. He is also involved in the development of data and storage management... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

11:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Building a Culture of Innovation: Lessons from Improv for Engineering Leaders
Kristen Brun Sharkey, Emboldify, Founder & CEO

In this talk we'll explore how technical leaders can harness the power of improvisational theatre to build a culture of innovation. By focusing on key lessons derived from improv principles, attendees will gain insights into creating an environment that fosters creativity, collaboration, and adaptability. This session highlights the importance of being present, listening actively, trusting instincts, normalizing failure, and embracing fun as essential elements for driving innovation in the tech industry.

Participants will walk away with:
- Techniques for cultivating mindfulness and creating present-moment awareness within their teams.
- Approaches to building trust in one's instincts and encouraging risk-taking to drive innovation.
- Strategies for creating safe spaces for failure in order to increase creativity
- Practical ideas for infusing joy, playfulness, and a sense of adventure into the work environment, igniting creativity and inspiring teams to tackle challenges with enthusiasm.

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Kristen Brun Sharkey

Founder & CEO, Emboldify
Kristen Brun is an executive and leadership coach and corporate facilitator who previously spent 15 years leading teams in advertising tech and marketing at companies ranging from early-stage startup to Fortune 100. Today she helps technology leaders advance their careers, make better... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

11:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Revolutionizing Time Series Anomaly Detection and The Future of Real-Time Insights
Madhumita Mantri, StarTree, Product Lead

Traditional methods struggle with high-velocity data, leaving businesses vulnerable to hidden anomalies. This session unveils, a game-changer solution using realtime anlaytics technology, that automates and streamlines real-time anomaly detection for actionable insights.

In this session, I will give a walk through of the engineering insights for the following topics:
- Reduce Time to Detection: Quickly identify and address potential issues before they impact operations.
- Simplify Anomaly Detection: Leverage a user-friendly interface for effortless anomaly detection.
- Unlock Scalability: Handle large datasets and varying workloads.
- Gain Valuable Insights: Uncover hidden patterns and trends in real-time data to optimize performance and decision-making.

This session is ideal for:
- Data Analysts & Scientists
- DevOps Engineers
- Business Professionals seeking real-time insights

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Madhumita Mantri

Product Lead, StarTree.ai
echno-creative Data R&D Product Lead enjoys solving problems for data users (consumers, producers, and decision-makers) to deliver successful user and business outcomes by unlocking data potential. Grace Hopper 2019 and Realtime Analytics Conf 2023 Speaker. Passionate about data... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

11:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Supercharge Your Platform Engineering – Insights from the 2024 State of DevOps Report
David Sandilands, Puppet by Perforce, Principal Solutions Architect

Join the author of the State of DevOps Report (SODOR) for an exploration of the 2024 findings, along with a timely discussion on how platform engineering is helping DevOps teams achieve greater efficiency, velocity, and security.
We’ll touch on four key areas:
  • How Platform Engineering is now at the center of a security and compliance revolution.
  • What’s working and what isn’t as platforms mature.
  • Setting up your platform team for success.
  • Who really benefits from platform engineering.
David will translate the 2024 State of DevOps Report: The Evolution of Platform Engineering so that you can extract the most from the report and its findings.

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David Sandilands

Principal Solutions Architect, Puppet by Perforce
David Sandilands is an author and I.T. infrastructure expert whofocuses on the management of Puppet’s development ecosystemand integrations. Prior to this, he worked within Puppet’s customerservices team where he helped Puppet’s largest customers deliverinfrastructure automation... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

11:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Demystify AI with Provenance
Henry Jewell, DataTrails, Senior Software Engineer

At the upcoming AI Dev Summit, Henry will discuss the critical importance of data provenance and transparency in the AI industry, spotlighting broader trends towards Responsible AI. As the complexity of AI systems and their impact on society increase, the industry faces a pressing need for mechanisms that ensure AI operations are transparent, understandable, and accountable. The conversation will explore how innovations like distributed ledger technology are key to illuminating the "black box" that often shrouds AI, providing clear insights into the data lifecycle from creation to deployment. This shift towards open, verifiable data practices is essential for building trust and understanding in AI technologies.

The presentation will further examine the movement within the tech community towards ethical AI practices, emphasizing the role of technologies that facilitate secure and comprehensive data management. By highlighting examples from the field, including the challenges of managing complex datasets and AI models, Jewell aims to showcase how the industry is evolving to meet the demands for more responsible AI development. The AI Dev Summit offers a platform for these vital discussions, inviting participants to engage with the latest strategies and solutions that promise to make AI more accountable and aligned with ethical standards. Join us to gain insight into how these trends are defining the future of AI, fostering a landscape where technology not only advances but does so with integrity and responsibility.

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Henry Jewell

Senior Software Engineer, DataTrails
Henry Jewell brings almost a decade of hands-on engineering to DataTrails where he builds and maintains the core SaaS in their flagship Transparency Service. DataTrails enable trust and accountability in responsible AI by maintaining a tamper-proof record of ‘who did what when... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

11:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): Are You Gen AI Ready? A Guide to Surviving the Bot Horde
Ben Lloyd Pearson, LinearB, Director of Developer Relations

Generative AI tools have rapidly become commonplace in the typical software engineer’s arsenal, and many feel that we’re on the verge of a paradigm shift in how modern software engineering organizations operate. The next generation of Gen AI tools will reduce or eliminate significant time-consuming work for developers. However, that doesn’t necessarily result in overall productivity gains unless your organization has prepared to use the new tooling.

This session will focus on the connection between human creativity and LLM capabilities and show you how to leverage the new tools for growth while mitigating the risks they introduce to your organization. You’ll learn how to:

- Create a resilient team ecosystem that leverages AI as a catalyst for productivity rather than simply increasing the volume of new code.
- Identify and overcome the new bottlenecks that could slow down the software delivery lifecycle in an AI-augmented landscape.
- Implement strategic safeguards to embrace the innovative capabilities of Gen AI while mitigating the risks accompanying its adoption.
- Build a clear, panoramic view of Gen AI's role within your projects, ensuring transparency and control over automated code integration.

Prepare to leave this session ready and excited to harness the next generation of generative AI tools armed with the knowledge to maximize impact and mitigate risks.

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Ben Lloyd Pearson

Director of Developer Relations, LinearB
Ben Lloyd Pearson is a thought leader in developer experience, advocacy, and relations. He is a technology generalist that focuses his broad range of capabilities on growing and engaging developer audiences through digital media, open source advocacy, experiential activations, and... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

11:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Open Source or Open Core? How to Evaluate Your Cloud Strategy
Anil Inamdar, Instaclustr by NetApp, VP & Head of Data Solutions

Most engineering and developer managers considering open source and open core cloud technologies as part of their strategy understand they need to rigorously evaluate the software’s licensing terms and gauge the long-term health of its community and ecosystem. What still happens less frequently—but is just as crucial to these risk assessments—is developing a thorough understanding of the business models governing the commercial organizations attached to each cloud solution being considered. You must discern the underlying motivations of the vendors or technology providers you depend on to deliver or support open source cloud software (as well as those vendors with strong influence over its development and maintenance). By acutely understanding these incentives, you can identify if, where, and how they may map to possible risks to your enterprise’s adoption and ongoing open source implementation. Don’t limit the assessment to licenses and community health—although both are still very key variables!

This DeveloperWeek Management session will discuss specifics on what you need to look for and consider when vetting open source technologies in the cloud as offered by:

-- Businesses using OSS as the foundation of their own intellectual property
-- Businesses that maintain total control offer the OSS they offer
-- Major cloud providers

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Anil Inamdar

VP & Head of Data Solutions, Instaclustr by NetApp
Anil Inamdar is the VP & Head of Data Solutions at Instaclustr, part of NetApp. Anil has 20+ years of experience in data and analytics roles. Joining Instaclustr in 2019, he works with organizations to drive successful data-centric digital transformations via the right cultural, operational... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

11:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Utilizing a New Threat Model for Software Supply Chain in Cloud-native Systems
Mike Milner, Trend Micro, VP Cloud Technology

As cloud native environments become more secure, attackers are shifting their focus to infiltrate the software supply chain. Securing the software supply chain starts at the beginning of the development process and continues throughout the application’s development lifecycle, but the complexity means that it is easy to miss links in this chain.

This session will construct a threat model that includes everything from the developer work stations, the code and open source libraries that make up an application, to the entire pipeline of building and deploying an app and the teams that maintain it.

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Mike Milner

VP Cloud Technology, Trend Micro
Mike Milner is the VP Cloud Technology at Trend Micro. Between fighting cybercrime for the Canadian government and working for security agencies overseas, Mike has developed a deep understanding of the global security landscape and how the underground economy dictates hacks and drives... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

11:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Will AI Cause a Fall or a Boom in Developer Salaries?
Lachlan de Crespigny, Revelo, CEO and Co-Founder

Lachlan de Crespigny is the co-founder of Revelo, a technology company offering the largest online platform for U.S. companies to quickly hire remote software developers. Representing a talent pool of 300K english speaking Latin-America-based technology professionals, Revelo’s platform enables U.S. companies to quickly source, hire and manage high volumes of highly qualified, English-speaking, time-zone aligned, remote tech talent. 

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Lachlan de Crespigny

CEO and Co-Founder, Revelo
Lachlan de Crespigny is the co-founder of Revelo, a technology company offering the largest online platform for U.S. companies to quickly hire remote software developers. Representing a talent pool of 300K english speaking Latin-America-based technology professionals, Revelo’s platform... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage
  OPEN Talks

12:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Curing Generative AI Hallucinations with Observability
Jemiah Sius, New Relic, Director of Developer Relations

Generative AI applications are oftentimes known to “hallucinate,” or respond with incorrect and inaccurate information. Hallucinations are one of the biggest setbacks to using this tech and are also infamously difficult to prevent, detect, and repair. However, researchers and engineers are racing to solve this problem as the adoption of Gen AI continues to skyrocket.

In the case of a DevOps team adopting this tech, what’s the best way to identify when hallucinations are present, and most importantly, why?

Engineers, and the company’s bottom line, require a way to trace the path of the response—all the way from the user’s prompt and integration with an LLM, to work by agents, API calls, and back to the end user. By monitoring these steps carefully, engineers can learn where hallucinations are developed and apply a potential fix, like including more context to the input or ensuring the LLM is re-summarizing responses accurately, so they can quickly take action and improve the quality of their output.

In this session, Jemiah Sius, Director of Developer Relations at New Relic will dive into how companies can utilize observability to help prevent, detect, and repair GenAI hallucinations and share ways DevOps teams can improve their LLM integrations with context, agents, chained models, and more—with a focus on how to do it in a cost-efficient manner.

In his role, Jemiah is the leader of a global team focused on solving friction points for engineering teams—keeping them at the heart of New Relic’s innovation strategy—so they can find and fix issues more efficiently before they impact their business and customers. With that, he possesses a deep understanding of the challenges DevOps teams face and how, if deployed strategically, GenAI solutions can help solve those challenges.

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Jemiah Sius

Director of Developer Relations, New Relic
Jemiah Sius is the Director of Developer Relations at New Relic, focused on building a successful community of developers engaged with New Relic. He is also a full-stack engineer with domain knowledge in JavaScript, ES6, Node, React, PHP, and more. Outside of work, Jemiah is a girl... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

12:00pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Cultivating Productivity: The Definitive Guide to Building a Thriving Engineering Culture
Jennifer Wadella, Bitovi, VP of Frontend Engineering

Having a thriving engineering culture isn't a matter of chance; it comes from a deliberate effort. Effective culture-building demands insightful management, vision, problem-solving abilities, and strong interpersonal skills. In this talk, I'll guide you through the process of cultivating a productive engineering culture. Whether you're a new manager looking for a blueprint or an experienced one seeking fresh insights, you'll leave with actionable checklists, proven strategies, and real-world examples to empower your team. 

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Jennifer Wadella

VP of Frontend Engineering, Bitovi
Often described as a force of nature, Jennifer is a visionary leader with a proven track record in management excellence and leading software teams to successful execution of business goals.With deep roots in frontend engineering Jennifer is still widely regarded as an expert in the... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

12:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Beyond Simple A/B Testing: Advanced Experimentation Tactics
Timothy Chan, Statsig, Head of Data Science

A/B testing is rapidly establishing itself as a core tool in product development. In this talk, we will start with a recap of standard A/B testing, including best practices. We'll also explore cutting-edge, less-familiar but powerful methodologies which address well-known limitations of standard A/B Testing. These include Sequential Testing, Multi-Armed Bandits, Switchback Experiments, Stratified Sampling, Heterogeneous Effects Detection and Experimental meta-analysis. Designed for data professionals and product builders, this presentation aims to inspire the embrace of innovative approaches and provide insights into the frontiers of experimentation.Beyond Simple A/B Testing: Advanced Experimentation Tactics 

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Timothy Chan

Head of Data Science, Statsig
Timothy Chan is an experienced data science professional, currently serving as the Data Science Lead at Statsig. This cutting-edge platform provides product observability and experimentation services to top companies such as Notion, RecRoom, Univision, and Ancestry. Before joining... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

12:30pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): LangChain Legends: Crafting the LLM Apps of Tomorrow, Today!
Rishab Kumar, Twilio, Developer Evangelist

In the rapidly evolving landscape of Natural Language Processing, Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 have established themselves as cornerstones of many applications, from chatbots to content generators. Yet, the potential of LLMs is vast and largely untapped, especially when it comes to integrating them into comprehensive applications.
That’s where LangChain comes in: an open-source framework that allows to build apps that deeply integrate LLMs. This presentation will guide attendees through the framework, some of the important concepts within LangChain and the immense potential it offers developers.

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Rishab Kumar

Staff Developer Evangelist, Twilio
Rishab is a Staff Developer Evangelist at Twilio, part-time cloud professor at St. Lawrence College, co-author of Learn to Cloud, AWS Community Builder, and a Microsoft MVP. He is passionate about helping people get into cloud and sharing his learnings from his time in cloud, DevOps... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

12:30pm PDT

[Virtual[ OPEN TALK (Management): Leveraging Predictive Models and Data Science to Optimize Information Retrieval Systems
Hareen Venigalla, Uber, Applied Science Manager
Vidhya Suresh, Atlassian, Senior Software Engineer

This presentation explores how data science and predictive modeling optimize the performance and scalability of information retrieval (IR) systems. We'll examine the impact of query analysis, document ranking, and result aggregation on user satisfaction. Our research demonstrates that techniques like keyword extraction, intent analysis, and custom deep ranking models can reduce irrelevant results by up to 26% while decreasing computing costs by more than 39%. We'll address the challenges of scaling IR systems to handle massive datasets and high query volumes, highlighting how predictive models streamline resource-intensive processes. Finally, we'll present optimization strategies leveraging distributed computing, multi-stage caching, and predictive ranking models to enhance throughput, reduce latency, and minimize computational overhead. This presentation offers valuable insights for those interested in the intersection of data science and information retrieval.

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Hareen Venigalla

Applied Science Manager, Uber
Hareen is an accomplished AI leader with over 12 years of experience driving innovation in machine learning and search technologies. With a Master's in Computer Science, Hareen has made significant contributions at industry giants like Uber, Apple, Amazon, and eBay. Hareen's expertise... Read More →
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Vidhya Suresh

Senior Software Engineer, Atlassian
Vidhya Suresh is a distinguished software engineer and a compelling technology speaker, known for her expertise in a wide range of programming languages and web technologies. In her professional journey, Vidhya has made significant contributions to companies such as PayPal Inc and... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

12:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): How to Develop Framework Real-Time Rag in LLM Applications
Ankit Virmani, Google, Senior Cloud Data Architect

This talk will go over a real-life example/demo of how to keep the vector DB up to date using streaming pipelines, importance of RAGs and how they can be used to eliminate hallucinations, which can have a huge catastrophic impact on the outputs of LLMs. It would be a great session for data and machine learning engineers would want to learn through a deep dive session on how to fine tune LLMs using open source libraries. 

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Ankit Virmani

Senior Cloud Data Architect, Google
Ankit is a data and ML specialist at Google, with over a decade of work experience in scalable data and machine learning operations. Before Google, he worked for Amazon, Deloitte, CVS and Infosys, helping his customers utilize data and machine learning platforms responsibly and ethically... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

1:00pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): How to Ground LLMs for the Enterprise
Alex Kahng, Aisera, Technical Director of AI/ML

The advent of Generative AI holds the promise of revolutionizing entire enterprises and sectors. Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language understanding and generation, offering a wide array of opportunities for enterprise applications.

However, the unbridled potential of LLMs presents unique challenges in adapting them for practical use within the enterprise.

This session explores the critical considerations and strategies for grounding LLMs in the enterprise from prompt engineering to fine-tuning, encompassing issues such as data privacy, model fine-tuning, domain adaptation, and ethical AI practices. By addressing these factors, organizations can leverage the potential of LLMs to enhance factuality, and accuracy, ensuring responsibility and security in their integration across business applications, ranging from AI Copilots to building domain-specific LLMs and their downstream tasks. In this session you will also gain valuable insights into the deployment of LLMs in enterprise settings, ultimately enabling companies to capitalize on the transformative capabilities of these cutting-edge language models.

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Alex Kahng

Technical Director of AI/ML, Aisera

Wednesday June 5, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

1:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): LLMOps: The Key to Successful LLM Deployment in SaaS
Aman Sharma, Lamatic.ai, Cofounder

LLM's are on the rise and everyone is trying to adopt them for there SAAS product. But the key to a great LLM implementation lies in successful LLMOps. Inherently LLM as not production ready, often give inconsistent answers and hallucinate. This talk will be a complete go around about everything LLM Ops - Why do we need it?, How to do it? tools and best practices.This talk will help anyone who is thinking of putting LLM in production to actually doing a successful implementation.

This is high level Table of content for the talk -
1. LLM in SaaS: An Overview
2. Understanding LLMOps
3. Addressing LLM Challenges
4. LLMOps Step-by-Step
5. LLMOps Best Practices
6. LLM Success Stories
7. Future of LLMOps

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Aman Sharma

Cofounder, Lamatic.ai
Aman is a serial technology entrepreneur with 3 startups and has deployed over a dozen digital / AI products. He was a machine learning researcher at TU Wien (Vienna University of Technology), a UX / AI lead at upsell.ai and the founding lead at Mobile-web.dev . He is an active member... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

1:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Can You Get Promoted from Engineering Management to VP Leveraging Outsourced Development?
Federico Ramallo, DensityLabs, Founder & CEO

Join engineering leader and CEO of Density Labs as Federico shares actionable tips and anecdotes on How engineering managers and leaders ace their goals when partnering with outsourced development shops. We'll cover how to integrate the team to be inclusive and create strong relationships, clear communication, and leveraging collaborations for career growth. Whether you're new to management or a seasoned leader, this talk will help boost team performance and share how we've helped leaders get promoted from manager to VP in 3 years.

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Federico Ramallo

Founder, Density Labs
Highly accomplished technology executive, serial entrepreneur, with 20+ years of extensive experience in software engineering, business development, and team leadership.My passion is to significantly elevate the knowledge, expertise, and career opportunities of 10 technology professionals... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

1:00pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Too Bullish or Too Cautious - Setting up an AI Team for Your Company
Daniele Bernardi, Sonans AI, Co-founder and Co-CEO

It is estimated that the average company spends $1.2M just to set up an AI team. For most businesses, that's a steep barrier of entry in the space. As pressure mounts at the senior leadership level, Eng and Product leaders are faced with building an AI strategy. But when it's crucial to hire vs buy? What long-term investments make sense given the incredible page at which AI moves? In this session we'll share insights that we gathered from 20+ leaders in various verticals. We'll take a look at the current landscape to show solutions and gaps that leaders have to still bridge even as AI progresses quickly. We'll also share insights on how other teams are building their AI strategy, including industries who are deciding on purpose to stay away from AI.

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Daniele Bernardi

Co-founder and Co-CEO, Sonans AI
Daniele is the Co-founder and Co-CEO of Sonans AI. Daniele has been leading Eng and Product teams for 10 years, including building and executing their strategy at times of great macroeconomic challenges. A former Twitter/X and Meta leader, Daniele has worked with developer platform... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

1:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Leveraging AI Large Language Models and AWS for Automated CloudOps Diagnostics
Renaldi Gondosubroto, Seek Limited, Software Engineer

In the constantly evolving landscape of Cloud Operations (CloudOps), IT operations professionals grapple with the massive task of monitoring, maintenance, and installation of servers, networks, and other essential IT infrastructures. Given the acceleration of API proliferation and automation services, the quintessential role of Ops teams is undergoing a sea change, notably with the formidable presence of cloud vendors such as AWS, GCP, and Azure. Drawing inspiration from this trend, the talk navigates through an unprecedented venture where AI Large Language Models (LLMs) synergize with AWS to carve out a novel pathway in CloudOps - Automated CloudOps Diagnostics. Delving deep into this innovative approach, the session elucidates the conceptualization and realization of a state-of-the-art diagnostic tool leveraging the prowess of LLMs coupled with AWS’s vast array of services.The exploration begins with a spotlight on the formulation phase where AWS Lambda and AWS Step Functions stand as the pivotal components in orchestrating a seamless workflow, thereby automating the diagnostic process. Moreover, the presentation sheds light on the role of LLMs in intelligently parsing the enormous datasets to identify patterns and anomalies that could potentially affect the operational dynamics, offering insights into how DevOps teams can revitalize their strategies by relying on AI-driven analytical tools. As the narrative unfolds, the audience gains a closer look at the real-time application of the tool, encompassing a detailed breakdown of its intricate functioning. Here, the integration of GPT-4 facilitates an interactive dashboard that translates complex diagnostic data into intuitive, easy-to-understand reports, essentially bridging the gap between raw data and actionable insights.The session navigates through the multi-faceted dimensions of the deployment phase, bringing forth critical reflections on the operational successes and failures, and the lessons learned in the process. It encompasses an honest discourse on the practical challenges encountered, and how the tool evolved through a series of iterations, constantly honing its capabilities to meet the dynamic demands of CloudOps. The session then extends an invitation to the audience to envision the future trajectories in CloudOps, facilitated by the collaborative force of AI LLMs and AWS, painting a canvas of possibilities that await in the realm of CloudOps diagnostics, from predictive maintenance to proactive solutions that pre-empt potential issues before they escalate, steering the CloudOps narrative towards a future of intelligence, efficiency, and automation.Attendees will not only gain a comprehensive understanding of the revolutionary potential of comingling AI LLMs and AWS in CloudOps but will walk away with a visionary perspective, equipped with the knowledge to spearhead innovative approaches in their respective CloudOps landscapes.

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Renaldi Gondosubroto

Software Engineer, Seek Limited

Wednesday June 5, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

1:30pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): Measuring Accuracy of Your Rag Based LLM System
Venkata Karthik Penikalapati, Salesforce, Lead Member of Technical Staff

The integration of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) into Large Language Models (LLMs) represents a significant advancement in artificial intelligence, blending the generative prowess of LLMs with the precision of information retrieval to produce contextually relevant and accurate outputs. This talk aims to dissect the methodologies and challenges involved in measuring the accuracy of RAG-based LLM systems, a crucial aspect for their application across diverse domains including, but not limited to, search engines, conversational agents, and domain-specific question-answering systems. We will explore various evaluation metrics and benchmarks that gauge the performance of these systems, touching upon both the generative and retrieval components. Additionally, the presentation will delve into the challenges of defining and measuring "accuracy" in a field where relevance and truthfulness are paramount yet often subjective. By examining case studies and current best practices, this talk will provide insights into strategies for enhancing model performance, alongside a discussion on the ethical considerations of deploying highly accurate RAG systems in sensitive areas. The ultimate goal is to foster a deeper understanding of the state-of-the-art in RAG technology and inspire continuous innovation and responsibility in its application. 

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Venkata Karthik Penikalapati

Lead Member of Technical Staff, Salesforce
Venkata Karthik Penikalapati is a seasoned software developer with over a decade of expertise in designing and managing intricate distributed systems, data pipelines, and ML Ops. Armed with a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University at Buffalo, his knowledge spans the... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

1:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Bringing Structure to Unstructured Data with Multimodal Embeddings in FiftyOne
Jacob Marks, Voxel51, Senior ML Engineer and Researcher

Data is the beating heart of machine learning. Whether you’re pioneering new model architectures or trying to unlock value creation opportunities in industry, making the most of the data at your disposal is an absolute necessity. So how do you leverage the 80%+ of today’s data that is unstructured?

In this workshop, you will learn how to analyze, glean insights from, and bring structure to unstructured visual datasets using the open source FiftyOne toolkit and OpenAI’s CLIP vision-language model. We’ll cover:
• Filtering, querying, and visualizing image and video datasets
• Indexing your data with vector embeddings
• Semantically searching your data using natural language
• Identifying structure in your dataset with dimensionality reduction

By the end of this workshop, you will have the tools you need to deeply understand your data, and leverage that knowledge to build better AI applications.

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Jacob Marks

Senior ML Engineer and Researcher, Voxel51
Jacob Marks is a Senior Machine Learning Engineer and Researcher at Voxel51, where he leads open source efforts in vector search, semantic search, and generative AI for the FiftyOne data-centric AI toolkit.Prior to joining Voxel51, Jacob worked at Google X, Samsung Research, and Wolfram... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage
  AI DevSummit: MLOps & AIOps

1:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Zero Tech Debt: How to Build an Engineering Culture of No Deferred Work
Matt Schraan, Livefront, VP of Product Management
Sam Kirchmeier, Livefront, VP of Engineering

Have you ever inherited a codebase so full of mixed concerns, bloat, and untested code that you couldn’t help but wonder “who are the developers responsible for this spaghetti code hellscape?”.

While it may be convenient and even cathartic to blame the faceless, nameless developers responsible for creating the debt-ridden mess you’ve inherited, the better question to ask is “what is the engineering culture that allowed this to happen?”.

The truth is, technical debt is less often the result of individual incompetence and more often the result of the engineering culture from which it was allowed to spread.

In this session, we’ll dive into the practical habits and norms of engineering teams that don’t defer work, avoid technical debt, and hold each other accountable to high standards. With the right culture, you can actually make it easy to uphold best practices across your engineering team. Join this session to learn how!

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Sam Kirchmeier

VP of Engineering, Livefront
VP of Engineering, Livefront
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Matt Schraan

VP of Product Management, Livefront
Matt Schraan leads Product Management, Product Strategy, and Quality Assurance at Livefront, where he focuses on helping organizations transform and unlock growth through product-led strategies. During his time at Livefront, Matt has taken great pride in establishing a product management... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

1:30pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Those Engineering Metrics You’re Scared of Don’t Actually Bite
Jim Grundner, Allstacks, Head of Engineering

Discussion around how to best measure developer productivity and efficiency continues to be a point of contention in the market, only superseded by those who question whether it’s possible to effectively measure developer productivity in the first place. Guess what – it is possible. High performing engineering teams embrace metrics to benchmark and improve success, and when they do, the results speak for themselves. However, the fear, uncertainty, and doubt around measuring developer productivity isn’t misplaced. Metrics and measurement often go hand in hand with bad management. It doesn't matter if you're managing a team, organization, or company, when management brings in KPIs, it can often feel like someone is trying to measure away a problem with the team or organization. However, KPIs shouldn't ever feel punitive and it’s up to us, as engineering leaders, to ensure they’re not. This talk will first cover how we arrived where we are today and what can be done to change that narrative. Then, we’ll talk about what metrics matter most, when to use them, and how to get the most out of your engineering data to maximize developer productivity the right way. Finally, we’ll go over how to help connect organizational goals to measurement in a way that helps everyone be more aligned.

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Jim Grundner

Head of Engineering, Allstacks
Jim is an executive engineering and product leader with over 25yrs of executive leadership experience in both start-ups and large enterprises. He is driven by the desire to understand engineering effectiveness through qualitative and quantitative metrics. His mantra is to be measurably... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

1:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Crafting a User Friendly Test Automation Framework
Mesut Durukal, Indeed, QA Automation Engineer

Yes, you got it right. We will talk about the user-friendliness of not the product we are developing, but our test automation framework. Well, the test automation framework is a product indeed, right? Let’s see ways to build a user-friendly test automation framework.
See the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVj7ht4dQv4 

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Mesut Durukal

QA Automation Engineer, Indeed
Mesut has 15+ years of experience in Industrial Automation, IoT platforms,SaaS/PaaS and Cloud Services, the Defense Industry, Autonomous Mobile Robots,and Embedded and Software applications. Along with having proficiency in CMMIand Scrum & PMP experiences under his belt, he has taken... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

2:00pm PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Europe/ Latin America) -- SafeStack -- So Long Secure Coding - Practical Steps for Securing the entire SDLC
Laura Bell Main, SafeStack, CEO

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Laura Bell Main

CEO, SafeStack
Laura Bell Main is recognized as a global leader in developing secure software. As the CEO of SafeStack, a leading secure development education platform, she helps software development leaders worldwide engage their entire team in cyber security. She is the co-author of "Agile Application... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

2:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Using Graph Neural Networks & LLMs to Detect, Explain, and Fix Problems in Source Code
Axel Lonnfors, Metabob, COO

The session will cover our technology and approach to static code analysis using a combination of graph neural networks and large language models. The approach comes with certain advantages compared to only analyzing code with LLMs or the more traditional solutions like SonarQube which are based on programming rules. The advantages include the ability to analyze an unlimited amount of code at once, focus on predicting problems that will normally occur during run-time, and superior contextual and logical understanding of the analyzed codebase. For example, can detect code regions that are likely to lead to memory leaks, race conditions, memory allocation issues, unhandled edge cases, and hundreds of others right on the developers' IDEs or during the CI/CD process.

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Axel Lonnfors

COO, Metabob
Axel has a mixed background in software development and business operations. He joined Metabob at the beginning of the company's journey and has helped the company to transform its product from a research project to a tool used by both, individual developers working on open-source... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

2:00pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): Bridging the Gap: Creating Domain-Specific Synthetic Data using Generative AI
Sachin Gupta, Cisco, Lead Data Scientist, Cisco Research

In today's data-driven world, access to high-quality datasets is essential for training and validating machine learning models. However, acquiring real-world data can be costly, time-consuming, and often limited by privacy concerns. In this session, we explore innovative state-of-the-art approaches to create domain-specific synthetic data using generative AI techniques. The session involves demos creating synthetic data in a telemetry domain, how we evaluate the generated data, as well as applications, use cases, and future directions.

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Sachin Gupta

Lead Data Scientist, Cisco Research, Cisco
Sachin, a visionary leader in Enterprise AI, specializes in Generative AI. With over a decade of experience developing products for Technical Support Services at Microsoft, ServiceNow, and now Cisco, he possesses deep expertise in advanced model architectures and training strategies... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

2:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Humans are Hard, Code is Easy
Tom Henricksen, Code Is Easy, Coder

Are you a frustrated developer who feels like they know enough. However, the success you thought you would have is out of reach. You see others who make better strides but why? Is it a skills gap? Come learn how to set yourself apart as a developer and learn the skills of influence and collaboration.

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Tom Henricksen

Coder, Code Is Easy
Tom Henricksen is a problem-solving technology professional. He has worked in various roles in technology for over twenty years. Tom has learned how to solve challenging issues in technology and lead technical teams. He can help you develop those skills too!

Wednesday June 5, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

2:00pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): How to Do Insourcing of Software Development?
Oleksandr Kondratiuk, akirolabs, Chief Technology Officer

Outsourcing became popular last decades especially when company is on the early stages but what's next? How to move development of your software product back from your abroad technical partner(s) to in-house when time comes? In which cases it might be necessary? What challenges you might face with and how to deal with that? These and other points about insourcing author will share from own practical experience.

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Oleksandr Kondratiuk

Chief Technology Officer, akirolabs
Dr. Oleksandr Kondratiuk is a seasoned technical leader with two decades in Software Development and Machine Learning, transitioning from Software Engineer to VP of Engineering across diverse enterprises and startups.With an MSc in Computer Science and a PhD in Artificial Intelligence... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

2:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Lessons learned from MLOps for Real-World Deployments
Ankit Virmani, Google, Senior Cloud Data Architect

This session will be focused on practicalities of deploying, monitoring, and continuously updating AI/ML models in production environments. We would cover tools, infrastructure, and the collaboration needed between data scientists, engineers, and IT operations. 

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Ankit Virmani

Senior Cloud Data Architect, Google
Ankit is a data and ML specialist at Google, with over a decade of work experience in scalable data and machine learning operations. Before Google, he worked for Amazon, Deloitte, CVS and Infosys, helping his customers utilize data and machine learning platforms responsibly and ethically... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

3:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Malicious Models: Defending Against Supply Chain Attacks on Machine Learning
Sam Washko, Protect AI, Software Engineer

In security trust no one, especially not unvetted machine learning models! Machine learning is increasingly being democratized through the sharing of foundation models on hubs like Hugging Face. However, due to the open nature of model hubs, compromised artifacts are very easy to share and distribute, so supply chain attacks on ML systems are becoming a serious attack vector.

Most ML model formats are inherently vulnerable to Model Serialization Attacks (MSA), the injection of malicious code that will execute automatically when the model file is deserialized. MSAs are the Trojan horses of ML, capable of turning a seemingly innocuous model into a backdoor to your whole system. An attacker could easily download a popular model, inject malicious code, and upload it under a similar name to trick consumers. This problem is not purely theoretical: 3,354 public models on Hugging Face today are capable of arbitrary code execution upon serialization, 41% of which are not flagged as unsafe by Hugging Face.

So what can we do to protect against it? Use ModelScan, the open source tool I’ve been developing for the past year along with a few other talented researchers and engineers. Model scanning is our window into the black boxes that are model files. By scanning the model before deserialization, we can examine the operators and architecture it uses to determine whether it contains suspicious code, without actually unpacking it and becoming vulnerable to the attack. It can detect signs of MSA in various different model formats and categorizes the potential severity of the attack.

Often we think of cybersecurity as more of a concern targeting big companies or governments, but it was important to us to make this tool open source since MSA is a threat to everyone who uses community model hubs - from academics to small businesses to individuals learning and making personal projects. It’s clear that AI/ML is key to the future of technology, and as it becomes more accessible to everyone, the risks do as well. But with tools like ModelScan, we can stop the MSA Trojan Horses at the gates and make ML more secure for everyone.

In this talk, attendees will learn: how MSA works, why they may be at risk, and what ModelScan looks for in suspicious models, as well as lessons learned writing an open source security tool.

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Sam Washko

Software Engineer, Protect AI
Sam Washko is a software engineer passionate about the intersection of security and software development. She works for Protect AI developing tools for making machine learning systems more secure. She holds a BS in Computer Science from Duke University, and prior to joining Protect... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

3:00pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): Beyond Vectors: Evolving GenAI through Transformative Tools and Methods
Alison Cossette, Neo4j, Graph Data Science

Embark on a thought-provoking exploration of GenAI's evolution with "Beyond Vectors: Evolving GenAI through Transformative Tools and Methods." Tailored for engineers seeking fresh perspectives, this session encourages practitioners to step beyond familiar Vector Database practices. It's not just a departure; it's a pragmatic leap forward into precision methodologies for data quality and crafting datasets essential for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) excellence. We'll navigate the complexities of adding non-semantic context through graph databases, shedding light on the nuanced limitations of distance metrics like Cosine Similarity. Join us for this insightful journey, pushing the boundaries of GenAI evolution with transformative tools and methods. 

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Alison Cossette

Developer Advocate, Neo4j
Alison Cossette is a dynamic Data Science Strategist, Educator, and Podcast Host. As a Developer Advocate at Neo4j specializing in Graph Data Science, she brings a wealth of expertise to the field. With her strong technical background and exceptional communication skills, Alison bridges... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

3:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Incident Postmortems for Champions
Ankur Rawal, Zenduty, CTO

Incident Postmortems have been around for a while, but we've seen them being ignored by even experienced tech teams - forced to focus on the plethora of tasks in their to-do rather than diving deep into a problem that's been 'fixed' already. Postmortems not only help teams resolve and prevent recurring incidents, but also give back some of the bandwidth to the engineering teams who would otherwise find themselves engaged in similar or incrementally worse incidents repeatedly.

Modern engineering leaders DO recognise that root-cause analyses are necessary in fast paced development cycles, but fail to get their teams to stick to a thorough postmortem culture.

This talk will help listeners gauge the value their team members can get out of postmortems, how they can write better postmortems answering important questions, how they can make RCA processes intuitive, blameless and actionable — with a sprinkle of sports references and how SREs and athletes are more alike than you'd think.

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Ankur Rawal

CTO, Zenduty
Co-founder at Zenduty, making reliability a little easier for fast moving orgs around the world.Love talking about observability and reliability at incremental scale and novel use cases for modern tech innovations.Outside of work, you can find me on road trips, discovering new cuisines... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

3:00pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Intelligent and Predictive Failover - The Race against Errors by Marching Towards Resiliency..!!
Teja Swaroop Mylavarapu, Capital One, Lead Software Engineer

Today, we all live in Interconnected Systems where one Service has multiple dependencies on other Services. Any downtime on these downstream Services/endpoints impacts the Upstream Services causing severe Customer impact.

Intelligent and Predictive Failover is a solution/mechanism which identifies errors and failures even before the actual Customer request. It intelligently Clusters the Services and applies Proactive Monitoring with failover predictibility. I will be talking about Intelligent tracking of anomalies & health checks with Threshold triggering alarms, latency based region detection with traffic failover & failback. The focus will be on how to predict failures and reduce customer impact and improvise on previous patterns.

I will deep dive on Infrastructure, Resiliency with Predictive failover mechanism, Intelligent Monitoring, Anomaly detection, Auto failover & failback Mechanisms & explain scenarios with Chaos Engineering.This talk will leverage AWS to explain the idea & can be applied to any Cloud Technologies for implementation.
This is a patent pending idea with USPTO.


Teja Swaroop Mylavarapu

Lead Software Engineer, Capital One
I am a Lead Software Engineer in Capital One with 12 years of experience in building Web Applications and leading multiple projects over the years. I have a Masters degree in Computer Science. I am also an avid Tech Blogger and write Tech Blogs on Medium.com and have experience in... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:00pm - 3:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

3:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Empower Your AI Journey: Hands-on Machine Learning with fastai for Graphics and NLP
David vonThenen, Deepgram, Developer Advocate

Are you excited about diving into artificial intelligence and machine learning but don't have a background in data sciences or ML? Join us in this interactive session as we unlock the potential of fastai, a powerful open-source deep-learning library that empowers both beginners and experts in the AI domain. In this session, we won't dwell on high-level generalities; instead, we'll show you how to roll up your sleeves and create machine learning models.

We'll guide you through building starter AI/ML models tailored for graphics processing and natural language processing (NLP). You'll gain practical skills and insights, and by the end, you'll be equipped with a recipe for implementing AI models in your applications. Whether you're new to AI or a seasoned data scientist, this session promises to be your gateway to harnessing the power of AI/ML with fastai. Join us on this journey to unleash the potential of your data and turn your ideas into intelligent applications.

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David vonThenen

Developer Advocate, Deepgram
David vonThenen is an accomplished Developer Advocate passionate about leveraging cutting-edge technologies to drive innovation. With a strong background in software engineering and a deep understanding of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, David currently works as a Developer... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

3:30pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): OWASP Top 10 Risks and Mitigations for Secure and Responsible Generative LLM/AI
Scott Clinton, OWASP, Core Team

In October of 2023, The OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) Foundation launched a new initiative, the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs, Identifying and cataloging the highest risks and mitigations facing organizations deploying LLMs in their application stack. In this session, I'll cover the risks and mitigations in detail and discuss how responsible AI plays a role in helping organizations and developers create a sustainable strategy for securing and guiding responsible considerations when building their LLM/AI applications. We will walk through real-world use cases. I will also preview what the OWASP team is producing for the 2.0 version of the top ten list and how developers should integrate investigation and mitigation steps into their AIOp and Dev workflows. 

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Scott Clinton

Core Team, OWASP
Scott, an industry veteran, has 25+ years of executive and technology leadership, with more than 14+ years in cybersecurity and 12+ years in data analytics and software development, extensive experience leading open-source products, and a Core Team Lead of the OWASP Top 10 for LLM... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

3:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Infusing AI into Time-Tested Products in the LLM Era
Sushant Hiray, RingCentral, Sr Director of AI

With ChatGPT fueling AI initiatives on everyone's roadmap, there is a strong wave of businesses trying to integrate AI on their product lines. In this talk we will explore how we can infuse AI into legacy products and various gotchas of how not to integrate with LLMs. Through real-world examples and strategic guidance, this session equips leaders with the knowledge and tools needed to successfully leverage AI for innovation and growth in their applications. Attendees will learn actionable insights on how to identify AI opportunities, select the right AI technologies, navigate implementation challenges, and maximize ROI. 

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Sushant Hiray

Sr Director of AI, RingCentral
Sushant is the Sr. Director of Machine Learning at RingCentral (NYSE:RNG) where he focuses on building the next generation Conversational Intelligence Platform. Previously, he was the co-founder and CTO at DeepAffects, a pioneering speech AI startup which was acquired by RingCentral... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

3:30pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Building a Resilient Tech Team: Strategies for Thriving in Uncertain Times
Rishav Mishra, Sonatype, Senior Product Manager

In the tech world, change is the only constant. Markets evolve, technologies advance, and today's innovation becomes tomorrow's legacy system. And let's not forget the plot twist of recent times - a global pandemic that thrust us all into remote work mode overnight.

It's not just about survival; it's about emerging stronger and more adaptable than ever. You'll leave armed with battle-tested strategies for fostering collaboration, nurturing a culture of resilience, and ensuring your tech team is always one step ahead, no matter what curveballs the tech world throws our way.

In this presentation, I will share insights on agile leadership, remote work mastery, and how to turn unexpected disruptions into opportunities. Join me for an informative and slightly adventurous journey towards tech team resilience!

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Rishav Mishra

Senior Product Manager, Sonatype
Rishav Mishra is a senior product leader and strategist, with over 6+ years of experience in delivering products in the Real Estate, Financial and DevSecOps spaces. He has worked with multiple Engineering teams in companies big and small, and has successfully delivered multiple products... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:30pm - 3:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

4:00pm PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Management): System Initiative -- It’s Time to Rebuild DevOps
Brit Myers, System Initiative, VP of Engineering

It’s been almost 15 years since the inception of DevOps, which was designed to break down the silos and improve communication to achieve stability, reliability, availability, and security. Still, it sometimes feels like since then we’ve just created more silos and complexity with the non-stop increase in tooling we have. What would DevOps tools look like if we were able to take a whole new approach, not an incremental one, based on lessons learned along the way? It’s time for a second wave of DevOps.

In this talk we will reflect on the lessons we’ve learned along the DevOps journey and talk about how the DevOps community can revolutionize how people collaborate to build and maintain complex infrastructure. Whether you're a seasoned DevOps practitioner or just starting out, this talk will offer valuable guidelines for the role you can play in ushering in the second wave of DevOps.

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Brit Myers

VP of Engineering, System Initiative
Brit is a technology leader with over a decade of experience scaling high-performing engineering teams. Throughout her career, she dedicated extensive efforts to increase the speed of decision-making, development, deployment, and recovery in DevOps. Prior to System Initiative, she... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

4:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Human-Centered AI/ML Decision Support for Pre-Departure Reroutes at DFW International Airport
Jeremy Coupe, NASA, Aerospace Engineer

NASA's approach to use AI/ML within a human-centered design to augment air traffic management decision making with decision support tools. For NASA's Machine Learning Airport Surface Model this human-in-the-loop requirement guided many design decisions ranging from user interfaces to the selection of the appropriate prediction models. The result of the design decisions is an Airport Surface Model that combines both human input and Machine Learning models to generate predictions that are aligned with Air Traffic Control expectations of traffic flows. 

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Jeremy Coupe

Aerospace Engineer, NASA Ames Research Center
Jeremy Coupe is an Aerospace Engineer at NASA Ames Research Center. He is the Lead for NASA's Sustainable Flight National Partnership Ops demo series and oversees the NASA/FAA Digital Mesh Technology and Applications AI/ML working group. Previously, he led the development of NASA's... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

4:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): LLMs & SQL - How to Achieve High-Accuracy
Gunther Hagleitner, Waii, CEO & Co-founder
)Wangda Tan, Waii, Co-Founder & CTO

In this talk, we will present various techniques of using large language models (LLMs) and agents to build real world applications. We will show these concepts in the context of Waii, a text-2-SQL system with focus on highest-accuracy translations for complex workloads.

We will cover common principles of working with in-context learning, retrieval augmented generation (RAG) architectures and agents as well as more specialized techniques to handle text-2-SQL. Attendees can expect to gain a better understanding of the current state-of-the-art in this exciting field and the challenges that lie ahead.


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Gunther Hagleitner

CEO & Co-founder, Waii
Gunther Hagleitner is a seasoned product and engineering leader with a 20+ year track record in SQL and analytics. As SVP at Cribl and CVP at Cloudera, he focused on simplifying data through innovation and open-source. Gunther excels at both scaling products and teams as well as new... Read More →
avatar for Wangda Tan

Wangda Tan

Co-founder, CTO, Waii
Wangda Tan is an accomplished engineering leader with over 13 years of experience in machine learning, databases, and open-source software. With a track record that includes roles at Snowflake, Cloudera, and Alibaba, Wangda has proven his ability to lead teams and deliver results... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

4:00pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): Beyond the Hype: Leveraging Generative AI for Next-Generation Digital Avatars in Enterprises
Dan Lesovodski, Data Monsters, Co-Founder and VP of AI: Customer Success and Partnerships

In the rapidly evolving world of AI, generative models have emerged as a pivotal force, driving innovation far beyond the confines of conventional natural language processing (NLP). Dan Lesovodski from Data Monsters will guide you through the transformative power of Generative AI in crafting sophisticated digital avatars for enterprise applications, marking a significant leap from traditional chatbots and language models.
This session delves into the intersection of Generative AI and NLP, unveiling the potential of digital avatars to revolutionize customer interaction, employee training, and workflow automation. Dan will share insights on the practical implementation of these advanced technologies, highlighting real-world applications that deliver tangible benefits to businesses and their users. Attendees will gain an understanding of the best practices in deploying digital avatars, navigating challenges, and maximizing ROI in organizational settings.
Join us for a thought-provoking exploration of how Generative AI is setting new standards for digital avatars in enterprises, fostering enhanced communication, improved service delivery, and unparalleled user experiences. Whether you’re aiming to innovate your customer service platform or seeking to empower your workforce with intelligent assistants, this session will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to leverage the latest in AI technology for impactful business transformation.

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Dan Lesovodski

Co-Founder and VP of AI, Data Monsters
My name is Dan, and I have been delivering data science projects for 20+ years.My main business is helping companies build and implement AI products. I managed 46 projects myself.I also speak at conferences, write articles and mentor startups.Starting October 2023, I am the Head of... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:00pm - 4:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

4:30pm PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (AI): Exabeam -- Combining Predictive AL/ML Techniques with Gen AI to Build a Cybersecurity Copilot
Steve Wilson, Exabeam, Chief Product Officer

Are you interested in adding new generative AI services to an existing product? In this session, you’ll learn from an in-depth case-study about how cybersecurity leader Exabeam combined its predictive machine learning models with generative AI (GenAI) technologies to create a new, interactive copilot experience to simplify threat detections and gain greater security insights while maintaining the highest security standards.

Exabeam Chief Product Officer Steve Wilson will teach attendees how to quickly and effectively use GenAI to construct a “copilot” to help security teams defend against cybersecurity attacks. The copilot augments the knowledge and experience of a junior security analyst, helping them perform like an experienced threat hunter.

Attendees of this session will learn about:
Integrating a Large Language Model (LLM) into an existing SaaS application
Fine-tuning an LLM for special skills
Feeding custom knowledge to an LLM at runtime

More than 10 years ago, Exabeam began using machine learning (ML) models in its security products to answer some of the most challenging security questions because it was the best tool for the job. Now, increasing reliance on the internet has accelerated novel cyberthreats. AI-powered phishing and deepfakes, malicious bots, and generative malware tools continue to evolve, demanding more robust defense mechanisms. Attendees will leave with a deeper appreciation for how AI represents the greatest revolution in information security.

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Steve Wilson

Chief Product Officer, Exabeam
Steve Wilson is Chief Product Officer at Exabeam. Wilson leads product strategy, product management, product marketing, and research at Exabeam. He is a leader and innovator in AI, cybersecurity, and cloud computing, with over 20 years of experience leading high-performance teams... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

4:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Democratizing Queries: The Challenges, Evolution and Future of Natural Language to SQL Translation
Anand Ranganathan, Unscrambl, Chief AI Officer

The talk delves into the complex realm of translating natural language queries into SQL, a critical interface for enabling intuitive access to databases. We begin by defining the problem of Natural Language to SQL (NL2SQL) translation, emphasizing its importance in bridging the gap between non-technical users and relational databases. The challenge lies not only in understanding the nuances of human language but also in accurately mapping this understanding to the structured world of SQL queries while keeping in mind the context and vocabulary used in an organization.

The intricacies of the NL2SQL problem stem from the inherent ambiguity of natural language, the diversity of database schemas, the precision required in SQL query formulation, and the unique vocabulary that might be used in any organization. Various techniques have been explored to tackle these challenges, ranging from rule-based methods and traditional machine learning approaches to deep learning and neural networks, and more recently, LLMs. I will provide an overview of these techniques, highlighting key milestones and the evolution of methodologies. I'll cover a sampling of open-source and proprietary technologies for NL2SQL. I'll also go through various benchmarks that exist in this space. Finally, I'll end with some of the challenges that remain, and the future direction for this space, especially given the increasing demand for more sophisticated and user-friendly database interaction methods.

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Anand Ranganathan

Chief AI Officer, Unscrambl
Anand Ranganathan is a co-founder and the Chief AI Officer at Unscrambl. He is leading Unscrambl's product development in several cutting-edge areas, including natural language processing, automated insights, data story-telling, real-time optimization and decision-making, and marketing... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

4:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI ): AI Infrastructure: A Future View
Ashok Prakash, Oracle Corporation, Senior Principal Engineer

Current infrastructure around AI is being built with the latest and greatest GPU hardware with the team who are building models, but the majority of the usage is around inference and not building the model. This opens the question of how the consumers of these different models will use these models in production. The AI infra would work much like the cloud environments where required AI infra could be launched and this will be simplified for the markets to use different GPU hardware without having to know about it. This session would talk about future possibilities of AI infra and how the industry can shift to a new age of AI.

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Ashok Prakash

Senior Principal Engineer, Oracle Corporation

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage
  AI DevSummit: MLOps & AIOps

4:30pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Platform Engineering in a Gen AI World
Ian Crosby, Aptum, Field CTO

Are platforms relevant in the AI landscape? Spoiler: absolutely! We'll dive in detail of how we applied Platform Engineering principles to vastly accelerate time to market for a Generative AI startup. 

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Ian Crosby

Field CTO, CloudOps
Ian's tech career has spanned many roles: developer, architect, cloud engineer, CTO, and more. He enjoys solving difficult problems with interesting technology and people. His latest obsession is working to make the software industry more ecologically friendly.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:30pm - 4:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage
Thursday, June 6

4:00am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Europe) -- The Control and Security of Cloud Resources: How to Be (or Not to Be) Cloud Confident
Marius Zaharia, Société Générale, Cloud Solutions Architect

Behind the enthusiastic move of deploying and consuming public cloud resources hides a more delicate moment to come: when realizing that your assets may be vulnerable and open to bad intentions. This became a real concern, as more and more attacks are perpetuated against companies and institutions. As well, the same facility in consuming the public cloud brings particular risks of cloud resources governance.

This session will be on sharing experiences, processes, implementations of structured frameworks for controlling and governing public cloud resources to report compliance, protect against bad practices, or remediate con

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Marius Zaharia

Cloud Solutions Architect, Société Générale
From the late 2000s, when the cloud computing took off, Marius Zaharia followed up closely the evolution of cloud technologies, with focus on IaaS, PaaS or hybrid architectures, and particularly in Azure, Microsoft’s cloud, and Amazon AWS. At Société Générale, an European leading... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 4:00am - 4:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

4:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Shaping the Future of Real-Time Data Pipeline
Bobur Umurzokov, Datox.ai, Developer Advocate

The rise of real-time data processing has transformed business operations, yet navigating its technical challenges remains complex. Organizations often wrestle with managing distinct batch and streaming data workflows, each presenting unique difficulties. Batch processing, while effective for large datasets, can be costly, slow, and not well-suited for streaming API integration. On the other hand, streaming, despite its speed and low latency, often has restricted functionality.

This talk is prepared for developers, data engineers, and tech visionaries eager to explore how to build an efficient, dynamic, and unified data pipeline for both scenarios using streaming platforms in Python. You will see with examples how simple it is to make your batch code run in streaming with serverless infrastructure from day 1.

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Bobur Umurzokov

Developer Advocate, GlassFlow
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐚𝐦Bobur is a developer advocate and speaker specializing in software and data engineering. With over 10- years of experience in IT, he blogs about open-source technologies and the community around them.𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐝𝐨Bobur works with companies... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 4:30am - 4:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

5:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Technology is Necessary, But Not Sufficient
Simon Copsey, The Curious Coffee Club, Delivery & Transformation Consultant

Adopting and evolving technologies in an organisation is important and can offer significant advantages. However, translating these advantages into bottom-line benefits often comes from combining technical change with social change - we must not just change the technology, but also rewrite the rules governing how that technology is used.

We are seeing growing thought leadership moving into this sociotechnical space: SRE, Data Mesh, DevOps and Platform Engineering are equally about the technology as they are about the rethinking of how teams are designed and organised.

In this talk we hope to help you understand how to apply this sociotechnical thinking to your organisation, so you unlock the - often untapped - bottom-line benefits of technical change.

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Simon Copsey

Delivery & Transformation Consultant, The Curious Coffee Club
I'm a Transformation Consultant, on a mission to help organisations understand and unwind complex, cross-functional obstacles - enabling happier staff to deliver better software to customers sooner.My career has taken me from being a developer in the trenches to helping various organisations... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 5:00am - 5:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

5:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): eBPF, and Why Does It Matter for Observability?
Julia Lamenza, Consultant, SRE

Diving into the world of modern tech, where every millisecond and data point counts, eBPF is the superhero we didn't know we needed, totally changing the game for keeping an eye on our systems. This talk is all about getting up close with eBPF and seeing why it's a big deal for anyone trying to understand what's happening under the hood of their tech. We'll walk through how eBPF makes grabbing detailed info and insights a breeze, all without slowing things down. It's like having your cake and eating it too, giving you the lowdown on your system's inner workings without the usual headaches.

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Julia Lamenza

SRE, Consultant
A normal person who likes to share knowledge, who is getting more and more involved in the communities, especially the DevOps and SRE communities.A woman from the infrastructure area ;)

Thursday June 6, 2024 5:30am - 5:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

6:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Measuring Developer Productivity: The Good, the Bad and the Data
Marco Pierobon, Thoughtworks, Lead developer
Marisa Martín Serrano, Thoughtworks, Technical Product Manager

Many consultancy and product companies are trying to sell a model where developers can be ranked based on their output.
These measures are often times not only misleading, but also preventing effective collaborations.

Let's explore these faulty metrics and assess how productivity can actually be measured.

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Marco Pierobon

Lead developer, Thoughtworks
Marco Pierobon, a seasoned Developer at Thoughtworks, brings 13 years of experience in distributed applications, specializing in cloud technologies like Kubernetes and Terraform. With a proven track record of transforming team approaches from project-based to product-oriented, he's... Read More →
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Marisa Martín Serrano

Technical Product Manager, Thoughtworks
I am an individual immensely passionate about Technology. I started my career working in a platform team building the core of CASTOR at CERN, the largest file system at the time. Ever since, my career has been nearly always linked to the platform world. I now work as Technical Product... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 6:00am - 6:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

6:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Building Platforms That Scale
Ant(on) Weiss,  PerfectScale, Software Delivery Futurist

Platform engineering has become the de-facto standard implementation of the DevOps approach. Internal platforms are becoming the backbone of effective software delivery. But the discipline is still very young. The principles of platform design are still evolving.
One basic requirement is that an internal platform stays flexible and scalable - an enabling entity rather than a hurdle.
Let's review the industry's lessons on how to build platforms that scale.

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Ant(on) Weiss

Software Delivery Futurist, PerfectScale
20 years in tech, marketing and leadership roles. All about software delivery optimization. 5 years in technical and executive training. Expert in DevOps, Lean, Systems Thinking, Continuous Delivery, Cloud Native and Decentralized Systems. Coder, speaker, writer. Fixated on improving... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 6:30am - 6:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

6:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): The Missing Key of Resilience - How to Find & Cultivate Inner Strength
Lena Thompson, Consulting

Resilience comes in different forms, and most are focused on developing physical and mental resilience to deal with life’s challenges and curveballs.

Although it is essential to develop these types of resilience, it may cause us to put an insurmountable amount of pressure on ourselves, leading to stress, anxiety and burnout.

But there is another type of resilience, and when we learn how to cultivate it, we can tap into our inner strengths without exerting so much effort and willpower.

In this presentation, I share how to cultivate this type of resilience and how it can help us overcome adversities and develop unshakable self-confidence.

The takeaways are:
-Strategy for generating more energy
-Practical tools to transform negative emotions into positive outcomes
-How to make great decisions
-Insights on self-empowerment techniques
- Cultivating inner peace and creating harmonious work environments

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Lena Thompson

Consulting, Lena Thompson
Lena has over 15 years of experience in the corporate arena consulting, training and designing systems for global clients.In 2019 she left her career to figure out her purpose and find direction in life.Now, Lena is an award-winning entrepreneur and an international speaker on a mission... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 6:30am - 6:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

7:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Refactoring Your Legacy Applications the Right Way!
Niels Stubbe, Noest, Consultant and software architect

If you have worked in a legacy codebase or 'big ball of mud', you know that it can make development unnecessarily slow, frustrating and costly. The solution, many developers would say, is to just rewrite the whole thing. But good luck getting every stakeholder to agree to such a costly and risky process.

In this session we will take a look at the different ways you can clean up your codebase. while minimizing risk and costs. We will discuss some of the different strategies like the 'Strangler Fig Pattern' and we'll go over a few tips and best-practices on how you can avoid the same mistakes in the future.

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Niels Stubbe

Consultant and software architect, Noest
Hi, I’m Niels. In my day-to-day life I’m a consultant and software architect at Noest who is passionate about software development, Azure and .NET.When I’m not doing technical things, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, reading books and tinkering with all kinds of... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 7:00am - 7:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

7:30am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Latin America) -- Getup -- CEL to the Rescue: Applying the Common Expression Language to Secure Hundreds of Servers at Once
João Brito, Getup, CTO & Advocate

Practical lessons for Kubernetes "Production Ready"

By default Kubernetes is not a secure environment, and that's a fact. There are a lot of articles and applications around telling you that you should improve security, but actually it is not an easy task. Also you have lots of tech buddies creating new things on your cluster, so enforcement is your best friend and periodic checks can be your allies.
Fortunately, CEL, the language adopted by Kubernetes for validating policies and enforcement, is here to help and make it easier to start protecting your workloads and environment. In this talk, we'll take 5 minutes to show how the top 5 best practices can be implemented with CEL on Kubernetes.
No other tool is necessary, and this may help you to implement your own protections as well!

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João Brito

CTO & Advocate, Getup
CTO at Getup, your favorite host of Kubicast, a sysadmin by training, but above all, a lifelong learner. He has worked in major corporations handling hosting and monitoring critical systems, yet discovered the perfect fit for personal and professional growth in startups. Joining Getup... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 7:30am - 7:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

7:30am PDT

Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Measuring Developer Productivity and the Space Framework
Sydney Cohen, Axolo, CTO

This session talks about:

- Top 5 myths of measuring developer productivity with memes!
- Introducing the DORA metrics and the four key metrics with Benchmark
- Introduction to SPACE Framework, each concept, and how to implement it in your company
- Interactive Q&A session

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Sydney Cohen

CTO, Axolo

Thursday June 6, 2024 7:30am - 7:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

8:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Leveraging LATAM Engineering Talent: Do It the Right Way
Daniel Castaneda, Kwan Technology, CEO

Successful companies today must be able to leverage the best Engineering talent regardless of location. Latin America offers a large pool of talent with a number of advantages such as favorable time zone, cultural affinity, accessible travel and more. Nearshore operations success is tied to understanding the options, the Latin America labour markets, general work and recruiting culture, and understanding the risks and opportunities. In this session we will cover the important aspects and key factors to consider in order to establish a successful nearshore operation in Latin America. 

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Daniel Castaneda

CEO, Kwan Technology
Daniel Castaneda is the CEO at Kwan Technology, a Software company with offices in Austin, TX and Merida, Mexico. Daniel’s 20+ years of Software experience at top firms (IBM, Siemens, Progress, TIBCO), help his firm offer quality Nearshore Software Development teams and custom software... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 8:00am - 8:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

8:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Next Generation Front-End Tooling: Vite
Vadivel Chandran, U.S. Bank, Principal Engineer

Vite is a build tool and development server designed to speed up and improve web development, particularly for modern JavaScript applications. It was created to improve the developer experience by leveraging native ES modules (ESM) in modern browsers and adopting a new, innovative approach to development and bundling. 

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Vadivel Chandran

Principal Engineer, U.S. Bank
Vadivel Chandran is Principal Engineer at U.S. Bank with over 18+ Years of experience and currently leading online and mobile banking money movement customer experience front-end product engineering products and specializing in the digital transformation of front-end engineering... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 8:00am - 8:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

8:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): GENAI Application Security in Cloud - Best Practices Development and Deployment
Akram Sheriff, Cisco Systems, Senior Software Engineering Leader

Due to the surge in popularity and recent advancements in the development, distribution, and implementation of Large Language Models (LLMs) for Generative AI (GENAI) applications in both industry and academia, there has been a growing focus on their security, safety, and vulnerability risks. Notably, research has demonstrated that LLMs can be exploited for illicit activities such as fraud, impersonation, and even the creation of malware-based attacks. Given these concerns, it is crucial for AI developers, security experts, and Responsible AI (RAI) professionals to be well-informed about the security challenges associated with deploying LLMs in large-scale production environments.

Gain valuable insights into implementing LLM-based guardrails to enhance the security and reliability of conversational systems. Learn architectural best practices for deploying APIs using LLM frameworks to proactively mitigate common security threats.

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Akram Sheriff

Senior Software Engineering Leader, Cisco Systems
Akram Sheriff is an Senior AI_ML IoT Software Engineering leader / Product leader/ Technologist with the Cisco IoT BU. Akram holds 30+ software patents, both granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), and currently pending review at USPTO and in the Germany/EU... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 8:30am - 8:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

8:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Cracking the Code: Decoding Anti-Bot Systems!
Fabien Vauchelles, Scrapoxy, Anti-Ban Expert and Creator

Join me for a presentation where I share the mysteries of anti-bot systems, protected websites, APIs, and mobile applications ! 🌐📲

🛠️ What's in Store:

1/ Exploring the Defence Layers

Uncover the intricate layers of defence with TCP Fingerprint, TLS Fingerprint, HTTP/2 Fingerprint, and Browser Fingerprint. 🤯🔍

2/ Anti-Bot Reputation Score Demystified

Delve into the workings of the anti-bot reputation score, understanding how it operates across various layers to fortify websites. 🛡️💡

3/ Strategies for Evasion

Discover crafty strategies to navigate through these defences, unveiling techniques to outsmart detection mechanisms. 🕵️‍♂️💨

💼 Equip Yourself

After this talk, you'll emerge well-equipped with knowledge to navigate and comprehend the nuances of these protective measures! 🚀🔒

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into the fascinating world of anti-bot systems. 🌐🔓

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Fabien Vauchelles

Creator, Scrapoxy
Fabien Vauchelles is the Anti-Ban Expert at Wiremind. With over a decade of experience in web scraping, Fabien's passion for code and technology helps him to bypass bans. He is the creator of Scrapoxy, an opensource proxy aggregator for webscraping.He had the opportunity to speak... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 8:30am - 8:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

9:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Data Virtualization and Data Platform Integration to build AI without breaking the bank
Zoi Kaoudi, Scalytics, Co-founder & Head of AI
Alexander Alten, Scalytics, Co-founder & CEO

In this session and workshop, we'll dive deep into federated data processing, a technology which enables AI development that prioritizes data privacy and governance. No data movement means your sensitive information stays secure while you build powerful AI models using the computed output.

- Break down data silos: Analyze data at its source, eliminating the need for movement and potential privacy concerns.
- Simplify data access: Gain unified access to diverse data sources for streamlined AI development workflows.
- Enhance data governance: Implement robust access controls and data security measures for responsible AI practices.

avatar for Zoi Kaoudi

Zoi Kaoudi

Co-founder & Head of AI, Scalytics
Zoi Kaoudi is a co-founder and head of AI of Scalytics as well as an Associate Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen. She is also a Committer and PPMC of Apache Wayang (incubating). Her research interests lie in the intersection of big data management and artificial intelligence... Read More →
avatar for Alexander Alten

Alexander Alten

Co-founder and CEO, Scalytics
Alex has built many data platforms in his career at Cloudera, Allianz, or e.on, has more than 25 years of data experience. Before founding Scalytics, he founded Infinimesh, X-Warp, and Infinite Devices.

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

9:00am PDT

Conference Virtual Challenge
Thursday June 6, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm PDT
Virtual Expo Hall

9:00am PDT

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm PDT
  3. Expo Hours

9:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): The Developer's Dilemma: Balancing Innovation with Responsible AI in a Regulatory Landscape
Pedro Rodriguez, Google Checks, Head of Engineering

The rapid advancement of AI presents exciting opportunities but also significant challenges, particularly regarding responsible development. This talk will explore the "Developer's Dilemma" - the need to balance innovation with transparency and accountability.

Key points:

- The Transparency Paradox: Explore the tension between pushing the boundaries of AI and ensuring clear visibility into its decision-making processes.
- AI Policy Parallels with Privacy: Drawing parallels with the development of GDPR and privacy regulations, the talk will discuss the inevitable emergence of comprehensive AI policies within the next five years.
- Impact on Businesses: We will delve into how these upcoming regulations and growing global privacy concerns will impact businesses in the future.
- Rebuilding Trust and Future-Proofing Development: The talk will highlight responsible development practices that address privacy and bias concerns, allowing businesses to build trust and "future-proof" their AI initiatives in the face of rapid technological evolution.

This talk is aimed at developers, AI professionals, and business leaders interested in understanding the evolving landscape of AI governance, compliance, and its impact on responsible development practices.

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Pedro Rodriguez

Head of Engineering, Google Checks
Pedro is a seasoned executive with 17 years of experience in the tech industry. Pedro has held senior leadership roles at Fortune-500 companies, including Google, Amazon and Uber, driving AI and Cloud innovation.As Head of Engineering for Checks, Google's AI privacy platform, Pedro... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

9:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Where MLOps Ends, and Edge Container Lifecycle Management Begins
Amy Simonson, Avassa, Marketing Manager
Carl Moberg, Avassa, CTO and co-founder

MLOps helps teams design and develop their Machine Learning (ML) models and applications systematically, enabling them to future-proof their AI initiatives. AI models are typically developed and trained in a centralized development environment. However, once ready for production, they often run closer to telemetry data sources, at the edge.

A gap frequently arises at this point.

Most leading MLOps tools cover all essential functions for developing and packaging trained models and applications, but they rarely support the complete lifecycle management of the distributed container applications themselves.

In this session, we delve into the intersection of MLOps and edge container management and operations. We'll discuss where one ends, and the other begins. Moreover, we'll explore how you as an ML developer can efficiently and securely align the lifecycles of the central and distributed components of your edge AI model and application containers.

We'll outline the path toward container application and model management and operations for the future.

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Carl Moberg

CTO and co-founder, Avassa
Carl has spent many years solving for automation and orchestration. He started building customer service platforms for ISPs back when people used dial-up for their online activities. He then moved on to focus on making multi-vendor networks programmable through model-driven architectures... Read More →
avatar for Amy Simonson

Amy Simonson

Marketing Manager, Avassa
Amy is an experienced marketing professional who thrives right in the intersection between deep tech and marketing. She is currently the marketing manager of Swedish Edge Platform provider Avassa, who are set out to make the distributed on-site edge delightfully easy to manage.

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage
  AI DevSummit: MLOps & AIOps

9:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Optimizing Human-AI Developer Collaboration: Navigating the Future of Software Development
Zak Mandhro, Pullflow, Founder & CEO

As AI-powered developer tools become increasingly sophisticated, the software development landscape is undergoing a profound transformation. With 92% of corporate developers already utilizing AI copilots and the rapid advancement of AI developers like Devin, the future of software development lies in the effective collaboration between human and AI agents. This collaboration presents both challenges and opportunities, requiring modern tools and best practices to optimize workflows while minimizing risks. In this session, Zak Mandhro, Founder & CEO at Pullflow, will share insights not only from his extensive experience in AI/ML product development at Apple and Google but also from building Pullflow - the first unified collaboration platform for teams, platforms, and agents. Attendees will learn about the cutting-edge tools and strategies for fostering seamless collaboration between human and AI developers, ensuring the successful creation of next-generation applications. Join us to explore the future of software development and discover how to navigate this exciting new frontier.

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Zak Mandhro

Founder & CEO, Pullflow
Zak Mandhro is the Founder & CEO of Pullflow, a startup backed by GitHub founder/ex-CEO, Tom Preston-Werner, focusing on optimizing collaboration between developers and AI agents. With a diverse background spanning 7 years in AI, Zak has led AI/ML products at Apple and served a founding... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

9:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Cut To The Heart Of Technical Debt
Chris Greacen, Lab Zero Innovations, CEO

A recent survey of IT decision makers, 60% of organizations report that that Technical Debt affects the progress of development. Many see it as a grossly underestimated threat to innovation.

Technical leaders need to look at their product management and engineering practices to see where technical debt is creeping into the work their teams are managing.

People say "technical debt" like it's a bad thing. But those who are serious about software development know that this game is all about managing technical debt. Technical debt is a natural part of the landscape in any software development team’s world. It's neither good, nor bad. Yet when trade-offs are mismanaged, technical debt is likely to cause your productivity to grind to a halt. For people who hit that point and wonder why - there should be no mystery about what causes technical debt, the answer is right in front of you.

Chris will deliver a presentation followed by a brief discussion with the audience about their experience with addressing one important part of managing technical debt.

Main takeaways for the attendees
Technical debt doesn't just arrive from some external source. It’s a result of decisions and actions that people make every day. By understanding and acknowledging the two most common sources, you stand a better chance at organizing your team to recognize and address the problem more effectively.

Attendees should expect to take away some of the following:
- Deeper insight into the Ward Cunningham’s metaphor of Technical Debt
- How to spot problems a mile away
- Getting real when formulating plans to address the problem
- How organized learning is an important aspect of effective debt management

avatar for Chris Greacen

Chris Greacen

Lab Zero, CEO
As CEO of Lab Zero, Chris Greacen and his team has brought software products to market on behalf of many household-name-clients. He graduated from Boston University in 1993 and found his footing in the technical publishing industry contributing to titles and building some of the earliest... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

9:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Architectural Design Patterns for Applications Leveraging LLMs
Blaize Stewart, Xebia, Architect

This session presents a demo-heavy exploration into application architecture and design patterns that leverage Large Language Models (LLMs), transforming application design, development, and deployment. This session showcases practical knowledge through demonstrations, guiding attendees through the forefront of AI application in software architecture. The session encourages audience participation with the content through a webpage that demos the content live.

The session begins by showing the foundational technique of leveraging LLMs through direct invocation. This part focuses on the art of prompt engineering, crucial for tailoring LLM responses to the nuanced needs of applications, ensuring precision and relevance.

Following this, the session talks about bridging natural language queries into structured queries. This demonstrates how to enable powerful searches across both structured and semi-structured data repositories, using LLMs to interpret and translate human queries into actionable database commands.

Next, the session looks at the LLMs and vector databases and how these work. It highlights how vector databases, when used alongside LLMs, allow for nuanced searches that go beyond keyword matching, offering a more intuitive and context-aware search experience.

The final part of the session looks at how LLMs work with other AI models. This shows how layering AI technologies to achieve a depth of interaction and functionality previously unattainable with single-model approaches, building applications that are richer and more engaging.

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Blaize Stewart

Architect, Xebia
Blaize is a Microsoft Azure MVP and has been interested in software development since childhood and wrote his first software while still in high school. Since that time, Blaize has had broad experience in all things IT ranging from a network administrator to a software architect and... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

9:30am PDT

AI DevSummit Certificate Program
Attend 8 talks at AI DevSummit and earn a AI DevSummit Certificate.

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:30am - 3:00pm PDT
  2. Experiences & Official Events

9:30am PDT

DeveloperWeek Management Certificate Program
Attend 8 talks at DeveloperWeek Management and earn a Management Certificate.

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:30am - 3:00pm PDT

10:00am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (AI): Microsoft -- Securing Generative AI Applications: Exploring Challenges and Best Practices
Neta Haiby, Microsoft, Director AI Security CTO

Generative AI (GenAI) is being adopted at an unprecedented rate as organizations actively engage with or experiment with GenAI, building or using, generative AI applications in various capacities. This technological advancement enabling innovations and business opportunities also introduces additional security and governance risks. In this session developers and architects will learn about state-of-the art security controls and best practices of Security for AI. They will be able to jump start their secure AI application building journey with a set of useful tools and methodologies. Members of the audience will learn how to avoid the new security threats while not compromising the business value of their GenAI applications. 

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Neta Haiby

Director AI Security CTO Office, Microsoft
Neta is a product leader with passion for developing impactful AI services at a global scale. She has Deep experience in AI, enterprises and accelerating the adoption and positive impact of AI in organization by bringing together the latest innovations into products that enable the... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

10:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): DIY: How to Build a Feature Store at Home
Abhay Bothra, Fennel AI, Cofounder & CTO
Nikhil Garg, Fennel AI, Co-founder

Feature stores have become an integral part of any production ML platform but building them stays incredibly hard. In this talk, we will look at the key components of a feature store, evaluate the open source technologies that can be plumbed together to build a feature store, key architectural gotchas and common design patterns.

At the end of the talk, the attendees should be able to go back and conceive of a more informed plan to build an in-house feature store.

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Nikhil Garg

Cofounder, Fennel AI
Nikhil Garg is the co-founder/CEO at Fennel, a startup building realtime data infrastructure for machine learning. Previously, he was at Meta where he ran several teams behind open source PyTorch and before that, he led an org of ~100 or so ML engineers working on personalization... Read More →
avatar for Abhay Bothra

Abhay Bothra

Co-founder & CTO, Fennel AI
Abhay is the co-founder and CTO of Fennel. Prior to starting Fennel, Abhay was a tech lead at Meta and ThoughtSpot where he helped solve some of the industry’s hardest distributed systems problems

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

10:00am PDT

10:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): AI-powered Data Observability in Data Engineering
Anandaganesh Balakrishnan, American Water, Principal Software Engineer

AI-powered data observability marks a transformative approach in data engineering, focusing on the advanced monitoring, management, and comprehension of an organization's data health. This method employs artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms to automate issue detection and diagnosis, ensuring data quality, reliability, and trustworthiness. Essential aspects of this integration include Automated Anomaly Detection, Predictive Analytics, Root Cause Analysis, Data Quality Scoring, and Real-time Monitoring. These features collectively identify and promptly address data discrepancies, analyze historical data patterns to predict future issues and evaluate data quality across various dimensions, ensuring immediate and effective data management.

Adopting AI in data observability yields significant benefits such as increased operational efficiency, enhanced data quality, reduced system downtime, improved decision-making capabilities, and considerable cost savings. These advantages stem from reducing manual monitoring requirements, maintaining high data quality crucial for analytical processes, rapid issue resolution, and providing high-quality data to support strategic business decisions.

However, successfully implementing AI-powered data observability necessitates considering factors like integrating with existing data systems, customizing and tuning AI models according to specific data environments and business needs, and providing adequate training for teams. Given the growing complexity and pivotal role of data environments in business operations, AI's role in data observability is poised for expansion, promising innovative solutions for ensuring data integrity and enhancing business value.

Implementing AI-powered data observability in data engineering requires adherence to several best practices to enhance the effectiveness of data system monitoring, diagnosis, and health assurance. These practices aim to bolster data quality and operational efficiency and achieve superior business outcomes. Key strategies include:

- Setting clear objectives and measurable KPIs aligned with business goals.
- Comprehensive monitoring of the data ecosystem in real time.
- Leveraging advanced anomaly detection techniques through machine learning for precise issue identification.

Additionally, automating root cause analysis, ensuring the scalability and flexibility of the observability solution, and prioritizing data quality management are crucial. Encouraging cross-functional collaboration, addressing privacy and security concerns, and maintaining a continuous evaluation and improvement cycle are also vital. By embracing these practices, organizations can effectively leverage AI-powered data observability for proactive data management, minimizing operational risks, and facilitating informed decision-making based on high-quality data.

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Anandaganesh Balakrishnan

Principal Software Engineer, American Water
Anandaganesh Balakrishnan has 15+ years of experience in data engineering, data virtualization, database development, infrastructure development, and data analytics. He held leadership roles spanning diverse industries across Banking, Trading, Biotech, Real Estate, and Utilities.He... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage
  DW Europe/Latin America: Artificial Intelligence Innovation
  • Talk Type OPEN TALK
  • Track or Conference Artificial Intelligence Innovation, North America, DW Europe/ Latin America, VIRTUAL, Developer Technology Innovation
  • In-Person/Virtual Virtual
  • about Anandaganesh Balakrishnan has 15+ years of experience in data engineering, data virtualization, database development, infrastructure development, and data analytics. He held leadership roles spanning diverse industries across Banking, Trading, Biotech, Real Estate, and Utilities.<br><br>He currently leads the development and optimization of data virtualization infrastructure and data engineering strategies. He supports application developers, data products team, database developers, data scientists, and other key stakeholders on data initiatives. He ensures optimal data delivery architecture by benchmarking different tools' capabilities and performance. His current focus is AI on unstructured data, large language models, Generative AI, self-service data analytics, and data catalogs.

10:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Happy, Productive Developers - A Use-Case Driven Approach to Building an Optimal Developer Experience
Vivek Vaidya, super{set, Founding Partner

What does it mean for your Engineering team to have an "optimal" DevX? In this talk, we will explore what constitutes an optimal developer experience using a use-case driven approach. We will discuss the problems that need to be solved by product, engineering, platform engineering, and DevOps collaboratively so that your company can go from "works on my machine" to "production deployments" faster without comprising on security, reliability and scale.

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Vivek Vaidya

Founding Partner, super{set
Vivek is a Founding Partner of super{set, a San Francisco based start-up studio, building companies in enterprise software, with a data management+AI focus. Prior to super{set}, Vivek was the CTO of Salesforce Marketing Cloud after joining Salesforce via the acquisition of Krux, a... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage
  OPEN Talks

10:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): Computing Primitive in LLM Space | Building Your Custom AI models
Ahmad Awais, Langbase.com, CEO

"Did we really just do; what we really just did?" was the feeling when I built the first version of a computing primitive in the LLM space. It's called a pipe. Prompt Instructions Personalization Engine. A pipe is a language and framework-agnostic; it's like a serverless function, and it works anywhere with virtually any LLM, like a small mixture of expert models. Simple, right? Not exactly rocket science, not groundbreaking, but oh-so-powerful.
It scales so well, I couldn't believe it myself. 984 million tokens generated in three weeks. It's an undeniably brilliant full-stack AI developer experience.
In this talk, I'll explain why an LLM Pipe is genuinely a winning bet and how it will change the way we build gen-AI use cases with LLMs. I'll also discuss how you can create your own custom AI operating system on top of Langbase.
By the end of this talk, you'll walk away prepared to build your own generative AI LLM web apps in less than five minutes. You'll feel confident building any AI use case, from a simple chatbot like ChatGPT to a complex RAG engine with stellar developer experience (DX). You'll be decisive in crafting apps with lightning-fast iteration velocity and default high performance. Let's go!

avatar for Ahmad Awais

Ahmad Awais

CEO, Langbase.com

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PDT
AI DevSummit Main Stage

10:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Better Day By Day: Incremental Progression
Tim Banks, Dell Technologies, Lead Developer Advocate

The entryway to leadership is a brand new branch of your career. While you enter into it with a set of experiences and knowledge, you will still be entering a new realm and you're going to suck at it, and that's okay.
This session will discuss the importance of letting people be bad at something, giving them guardrails, safety, and supervision while they're bad at it, in order for them to learn. We will talk about ways that throwing new folks into the deep end is a way to make them drown, as well as ways to gauge their progression along the way.

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Tim Banks

Lead Developer Advocate, Dell Technologies
Tim’s tech career spans over 25 years through various sectors. Tim’s initial journey into tech started in avionics in the US Marine Corps and then into various government contracting roles. After moving to the private sector, Tim worked both in large corporate environments and... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

10:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Securing Your Kubernetes Cluster: Best Practices and Strategies
Prabesh Thapa, Capsule, Site Reliability Engineer

Join us for an insightful exploration into 'Securing Your Kubernetes Cluster: Best Practices and Strategies.' In this session, we delve into the critical aspects of ensuring the robust security of your Kubernetes environment. From understanding the Kubernetes security architecture to implementing authentication, network policies, and secrets management, we'll cover the essential components and practices necessary to safeguard your cluster. Through real-world examples and best-in-class strategies, you'll gain valuable insights into mitigating risks, maintaining compliance, and implementing effective incident response measures. Whether you're a Kubernetes novice or an experienced user, this talk promises practical guidance to enhance the security posture of your Kubernetes deployments.

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Prabesh Thapa

Site Reliability Engineer, Capsule
I am an SRE with SE background. Working in tech for around 5 years. Love building tools for developers to use and benefit.

Thursday June 6, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

11:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): How to Use Your Development Data to Make LLMs Code Like You and Your Team
Tyler Dunn, Continue, Co-founder & CEO

Software development copilots are all the rage these days. Innovation in the space makes it easier to talk to your code, ask for improvements, and get code written for you, all from your IDE. But you can make coding with LLMs even more beneficial by collecting data on what happens between commits. Today, all that data goes to the copilot vendor. But what if it went to you and your development org to improve your models, tools, and processes? Learn how Continue is solving this problem by helping developers and engineering teams use their development data 

avatar for Tyler Dunn

Tyler Dunn

Co-founder & CEO, Continue
While studying the intersection of language and computation at the University of Michigan, Ty built dialogue management systems as a software engineer. Motivated to make them leverage machine learning more, he grew from the first product manager to a Group PM at Rasa, where his open-source... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

11:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Architectural Storytelling: Diagrams that Drive Team Alignment
James Miller, Comcast, Distinguished Engineer

In this session I draw from my experience as a distinguished engineer and my role in aligning architecture across a large company to explore the critical function of visual diagrams in facilitating team consensus and clear communication. This session highlights how effective, intelligible diagrams serve as indispensable tools in navigating the complexities of software development, ensuring team coherence, and driving project success. By sharing methodologies, practical tips, and real-world examples, I aim to equip attendees with the skills to leverage a variety of diagrams for enhancing project outcomes and furthering their own careers. Based on a foundation of extensive experience in technical leadership and architectural design, we will cover several common architecture diagram techniques for visualizing and presenting software architecture at different levels of abstraction that can help facilitate knowledge sharing across teams. We will cover specific techniques and examples using layered architecture, C4, component, deployment and sequence diagrams, and more. This talk addresses the vital role of visual tools in bridging understanding gaps among diverse development teams, emphasizing the importance of diagrams in the context of large-scale software projects and organizational alignment.

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James Miller

Distinguished Engineer, Comcast
James has over 20 years experience developing software and designing large scale architectures. Most recently he is working as a Distinguished Engineer at Comcast, a Fortune 50 company, with over 30 Million customers.

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

11:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): The Performance Imperative: Why Agility Was Never the Goal
Marin Niehues, NIehues Consulting, Consultant for Organisational & Product Development

In my professional career, I have experienced the development and implementation of agility at first hand in various organisations. In the process, I have increasingly observed that agility is an end in itself for many companies. But this should never happen under any circumstances.
Rather, it is a strategic tool, a means to an end, to ensure efficient and high-performance product delivery directly to the customer. Whilst agility is a clear way forward in certain contexts, it is not always the universal answer. This is where my talk comes in: It's about understanding that no customer buys internal agile processes; the customer invests in finished, high-quality products that meet their exact needs.

In my presentation, I will shed light on the actual role of agility, emphasise the importance of targeted application and show when exactly agility is preferable as a method. At the same time, I will discuss alternative frameworks that might be more suitable in other scenarios. With extensive experience in organisational development and process management, I combine deep insights into agile methods with a clear vision for effective product development. This talk will offer a critical but constructive exploration of agility, always focussing on how we as entrepreneurs, managers or developers can create the most value for our customers."

avatar for Marin Niehues

Marin Niehues

Consultant for Organisational & Product Development, Niehues Consulting
Marin Niehues founded his first start-up at the age of 20. It was then that he discovered his passion for developing organisational structures and teams.At the age of 21, he then joined a consulting boutique as a Scrum Master and Agile Coach. As part of this role, he was able to provide... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

11:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Maximizing RAG Performance with LLamaIndex on PostgresML
Silas Marvin, PostgresML, Founding Software Engineer

Join us for a session on optimizing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) performance by leveraging LlamaIndex on PostgresML, and learn how LlamaIndex with PostgresML can enhance the efficiency and speed of your RAG workflows.

Key Highlights:

- Unified Document and Embedding Management:
Discover how PostgresML stores documents and embeddings in one place, simplifying management and boosting performance.

- Seamless Integration for Enhanced Efficiency:
Learn how embedding, vector search, and text generation happen within a single query, minimizing latency and maximizing speed.

- Achieving the Fastest RAG on LlamaIndex:
See practical examples showing how PostgresML and LlamaIndex deliver the fastest RAG performance and best practices to harness this potential.

Whether you're a developer, data scientist, or AI enthusiast, this talk will equip you with the knowledge to supercharge your RAG applications with LlamaIndex on PostgresML.

avatar for Silas Marvin

Silas Marvin

Founding Software Engineer, PostgresML
Silas Marvin is a founding software engineer at PostgresML, where he leads SDK integrations to make AI application development more accessible and efficient. With extensive experience in Rust programming, Silas excels in creating high-performance systems that contribute to the cutting... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

11:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Building and Evaluating Robust Conversational Interfaces Using LLMs
Janvi Palan, Samsung Research America, Tech Lead, Senior ML Research Engineer

Dive into the world of crafting resilient conversational interfaces with Large Language Models (LLMs). In the era of advancing technology, the demand for seamless digital interactions has skyrocketed. This talk explores the nuances of using LLMs to build interfaces that not only grasp user input but also deliver contextually relevant and coherent responses.

Key highlights include constructing robust interfaces, tackling challenges like context retention and user engagement. Discover the significance of fine-tuning LLMs for optimal performance in specific conversational domains. Evaluation aspects will emphasize metrics such as user satisfaction, task completion rates, and response coherence. Attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of constructing and evaluating conversational interfaces, equipping them to navigate the evolving human-computer interaction landscape. Perfect for developers, designers, and industry professionals, this talk offers valuable insights into leveraging LLMs for user-friendly conversational experiences.

avatar for Janvi Palan

Janvi Palan

Tech Lead, Senior ML Research Engineer, Samsung Research America
Janvi is a Senior ML research engineer at Samsung Research America. Previously working in Samsung’s artificial humans division, she leads the realistic behavior and conversation generation component of the virtual humans - while ensuring that the quality and latency of interaction... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

11:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): Operate Generative AI Applications at Scale with LLMOps
Chaitra Mathur, AWS, Principal Solutions Architect

Generative AI applications offer us a unique opportunity to create new ideas and content, including stories, images, videos, and music. At the core of these applications is a Foundation Model (FM). Last year we saw lot of companies experiment and conduct Proof of Concepts using generative AI. In 2024, we anticipate these companies will be ready to take a lot of these to production. Experimentation is one thing but to run such an application in production brings whole set of new challenges. In this session, you will gain an understanding of different techniques to customize a Large Language Model which is a subset of FM, challenges in productionizing a generative AI application and learn how to operationalize for scale using LLMOps. You will see an example pipeline for continuous integration, deployment, and tuning such an application using AWS services. 

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Chaitra Mathur

Principal Solutions Architect, AWS
Chaitra Mathur serves as a Principal Solutions Architect at AWS, where her role involves advising clients on constructing robust, scalable, secure, and cost-efficient solutions within the AWS ecosystem. With a keen interest in Data & Machine Learning, she assists clients in leveraging... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

11:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Eating our Own Authentication: Frontegg's Recipe for Reliable Software Development
Amir Jaron, Frontegg, VP R&D

In an era where technological leadership is defined by not only innovation but also the reliability and security of software products, strategic decision-making processes have never been more crucial for CTOs and heads of engineering. At Frontegg, our commitment to quality and innovation is shown through our dogfooding policy - using our own identity platform internally as a rigorous validation method before releasing it to our customers. This approach not only underscores our dedication to product reliability but also ensures we intimately understand the challenges and requirements of our developer community. In this session, we’ll delve into how dogfooding empowers our leadership to make informed decisions, highlighting its impact on product development, customer satisfaction, and our culture of accountability. We will explore the tangible benefits this strategy has brought to Frontegg, from early issue identification to fostering a culture of innovation, and discuss how it can be a pivotal tool for tech executives in driving both product and organizational growth. 

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Amir Jaron

VP R&D, Frontegg
Amir Jaron is a distinguished software engineering manager with 15 years of industry experience, known for his passion for technology and a customer-centric approach to leadership. Throughout his career, he has demonstrated exceptional skills in leading large software groups, managing... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

11:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): The Oracle Revolution: Bigger than Blockchain
Sameer Dewan, FanDuel, Senior Software Engineer

This talk, titled "The Oracle Revolution: Bigger than Blockchain," dives into the crucial yet often under-appreciated role of decentralized oracle networks, like Chainlink, in the blockchain ecosystem. It argues that while blockchain technology has been revolutionary in creating immutable ledgers and enabling smart contracts, the true power and potential of these innovations hinge on the quality of data they process. Oracle networks bridge the gap between the off-chain world and blockchain's on-chain reality, performing tasks beyond the reach of blockchain alone, such as accessing real-time data, scheduling events, and generating random numbers. By focusing on how data is the arbiter of all decisions made on the blockchain, this talk posits that decentralized oracle networks are not just an extension of blockchain technology but are foundational to its future development and application. The presentation aims to shift the perspective on what truly powers blockchain's potential and why the data provided by oracle networks might be more significant than the blockchain itself. 

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Sameer Dewan

Senior Software Engineer, FanDuel
Sameer Dewan is a visionary leader in the field of software engineering, with a distinguished career marked by his adeptness at spearheading innovative projects that have significantly influenced the tech industry. Known for his strategic foresight and ability to navigate complex... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:30am - 11:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

12:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Improving Your Dev Process by Eating the Elephant One Bite at a Time
Joshua Marinacci, Trunk.io, Community Engineer

Move dev teams aren’t against tools improvement. Most dev teams really do believe that better tools and automation will make their lives better, let them ship code faster, and increase code quality. Despite this, many teams don’t adopt new tools because they are worried that these will disrupt what’s working; or if it’s not working, then these new tools will be just one more thing they tried that made things worse. The solution isn’t new tools, but rather improving the software development process itself, carefully and strategically.

In this talk we aren’t going to cover agile vs waterfall planning. We aren’t going to cover that one cool framework that will make your code better. It won’t be about a magic tool that will make everything better. This talk is about improving your development processes strategically and incrementally so that you keep shipping while quality and development velocity both go up.

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Joshua Marinacci

Community Engineer, Trunk
For over 25 years Josh Marinacci has worked as software engineer, developer advocate, speaker and author. He has worked at such storied companies as Palm, HP, Nokia, Sun, Mozilla, and Lyft. He is currently the Community Engineer for Trunk.io, a maker of tools to radically improve... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:00pm - 12:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

12:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Cutting through the Noise: The Physics behind Cloud Sustainability
David Kohnstamm, Leafcloud, Co-Founder & CSO

We'll look at the actual footprint of a GPU for a year with back-of-the-envelope math and show how easy it is to break down the tools from the big 3 (AWS/Azure/GCP) in simple terms that they tend to hide. Discuss the fundamental flaws at the heart of the data center model and look at ways to improve it. And look at the three Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) and how they apply to data center residual heat, cloud, and AI. 

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David Kohnstamm

Co-Founder & CSO, Leafcloud
David is the co-founder, resident thermodynamics expert, and Chief Sustainability Officer at Leafcloud, where his expertise in servers and thermal dynamics plays a pivotal role in shaping the company's vision and the design of Leaf sites. His work focuses on transforming server heat... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

12:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Systems Thinking for Senior Leadership
George Hantzaras, MongoDB, Director, Kubernetes Engineering

Systems thinking in management involves understanding the organization as a complex system of interrelated components. It requires leaders to assess how different roles, functions, and team dynamics interact to achieve the organization's objectives. By adopting this approach, leaders can design teams that are more resilient, adaptable, and capable of addressing complex challenges. This involves considering the flow of information, decision-making processes, and how teams collaborate and communicate. Implementing systems thinking leads to more strategic resource allocation, enhances problem-solving capabilities, and improves the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the organization. In this presentation we’ll explore topics like Team Topologies, Conway’s Law, Value Stream Maps and more, to help leaders structure and empower growing teams for success at scale. 

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George Hantzaras

Director, Kubernetes Engineering, MongoDB
George is a distributed systems expert and a hands-on engineering leader with focus on delivering Enterprise cloud services at scale. He is a Director of Engineering at MongoDB, focusing on implementing cloud native technologies at enterprise scale. Most recently, he has been a speaker... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

12:30pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Debugging Burnout
Samuel Shaw, Battelle, Senior Software Engineer

Working in a product space requires knowing how to take a very complex problem and break it down into iterative chunks. Far too often, we’re so wrapped up in the problems we’re solving professionally, that we completely forget to introspectively look at ourselves and ask what problems in our own lives need solving. Burnout is real and worth addressing. But much like the dev process, understanding the “why” behind behavior leads to a more sustainable outcome. We want to develop a framework and language to properly identify burnout and how we can work through it. 

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Samuel Shaw

Software Developer, Battelle
Sam has been in the technology space professionally for seven years after dabbling as a developer while working in academia. His spare time is spent trying new things or in the gym fighting. Most recently the focus being Krav Maga and Kung Fu.

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

12:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): AI-Powered Microservices for Dynamic Decision Making
Dileep Kumar Pandiya, ZoomInfo, Principal Engineer

"AI-Powered Microservices for Dynamic Decision Making" delves into the fusion of artificial intelligence with microservices architecture to enable autonomous, real-time decision-making across applications. This approach enhances scalability and flexibility, allowing for distributed AI functions that adapt dynamically to changing data and user needs. The discussion covers architectural considerations, challenges, and the practical implementation of AI models within microservices. Through real-world examples, it highlights the transformative potential of AI-powered microservices in industries, facilitating smarter operations and personalized customer experiences. The talk concludes with insights into future trends and the continuous evolution of intelligent, autonomous systems. 

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Dileep Kumar Pandiya

Principal Engineer, ZoomInfo
Technology Leader with expertise in scaling digital businesses and navigating complex digital transformations has been pivotal in the success of numerous high-profile projects. Dileep dedicates himself to staying ahead of industry trends and utilizes his skills to create robust, scalable... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 12:30pm - 12:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

1:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Introduction to GLAM: Geospatial Large Action Model
Gloria Felicia, AtlasPro AI,  CEO
Sid Dixit, AtlasPro AI, CSO, Co-founder
Nolan Bryant, AtlasPro AI, CTO, Co-founder

Historically, the output of foundational models has either been text, image, or video. With Proprietary ML models combined with Satellite Image Embeddings, the team at AtlasPro AI has come up with GLAM (Geospatial Large Action Model). With it, urban planning teams can now have the output of .KML, .KMZ, and .Json that can integrate directly with software used to speed up the creation of infrastructure blueprint for utility, fiber optic network, or solar panel placement optimization.

Come and learn about the hidden powers of activating GLAM to automate workflows related to geospatial analytics, infrastructure planning, and anything related to mapping or geolocation functions. Get actionable geospatial insights and automate workflows related to geospatial data.

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Nolan Bryant

CTO, Co-founder, AtlasPro AI
Before embarking on his journey into Machine Learning Engineering at Caltech, Nolan Bryant accumulated extensive experience in operational management and customer relations.His reputation as a proactive and innovative, creative problem solver is well-established amongst his colleagues... Read More →
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Sid Dixit

CSO, Co-founder, AtlasPro AI
Sid Dixit is a tech visionary with a rich career spanning influential tech giants such as Maxar Technologies, Amazon, Planet, Microsoft, and Google-Motorola, I've led teams to deliver exceptional results in the tech landscape. With a focus on customer-centricity and strategic leadership... Read More →
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Gloria Felicia

CEO, AtlasPro AI
Gloria Felicia, also known as "Glo" is a repeat founder with multiple exits, one by building and another by investing. She currently manages AtlasPro AI, an AI-native Geospatial platform blending infrastructure planning automation and risk mitigation for use cases in the B2B and B2G... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

1:00pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): How Do We Get the Confidence to Launch LLM Apps to Production?
Ayush Garg, Portkey AI, Co-founder, CTO

The talk starts with a story line of various companies who'd built amazing PoCs but struggled to find confidence to open it up for production users due to the black box nature of LLMs and general reliability concerns.

It then focuses on real world examples of companies like Postman who've figured out strategies to reduce risk and increase RoI from using Gen AI.

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Ayush Garg

Co-founder, CTO, Portkey AI
With a decade of experience in early-stage startups, Ayush has honed his skills in building and scaling products and teams, specializing in creating large-scale systems that supported over 30 million daily active users. His journey before co-founding Portkey AI saw him as the Head... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

1:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Mitigating Bias in Real-Time: How Anomaly Detection Can Safeguard AI Outputs
Madhumita Mantri, StarTree.ai, Product Lead
Tushar Thole, StarTree.ai, Head of Applications Engineering

Algorithmic bias can have serious consequences in AI-driven decision making. This talk explores how real-time anomaly detection can be used to mitigate bias in AI models.

We'll delve into how anomaly detection can flag potentially biased outputs, enabling human intervention or model adjustments before biased decisions are made. This proactive approach helps ensure fairness and ethical use of AI systems.

The talk will discuss:

- How anomaly detection identifies patterns indicative of bias in real-time data streams.
- Strategies for integrating anomaly detection with AI models for bias mitigation.
- Real-world examples of how organizations are using this approach to safeguard their AI systems.

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Madhumita Mantri

Product Lead, StarTree.ai
echno-creative Data R&D Product Lead enjoys solving problems for data users (consumers, producers, and decision-makers) to deliver successful user and business outcomes by unlocking data potential. Grace Hopper 2019 and Realtime Analytics Conf 2023 Speaker. Passionate about data... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

1:00pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): Operate Generative AI Applications at Scale with LLMOps
Andrew Greenstein, SF AppWorks, CEO and Head of Product

Join us at “Craft Your Future,” where we unlock the secrets to creating groundbreaking digital products using responsible generative AI. Our journey includes successes with notable startups like Gif Keyboard (acquired by Tenor), Opte (acquired by P&G), and Life ReImagined (AARP).

We’ve also applied startup agility to established brands like West Elm, Humana, and even the Golden Globes, bringing a fresh, entrepreneurial spirit to their digital endeavors. This session will draw on insights from our interviews with industry leaders like Marissa Meyer & founders of Brex, Waze, Threadup, Rover.

You will discover the framework that we use to “just start” our projects, and how we learn from the best in tech along the way. 

Andrew will walk you through a real-world case study—an example from our time working with the Innovation team at West Elm, when we worked on rapid development & deployment of PWAs, chatbots, and AI-powered experiences.

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Andrew Greenstein

CEO and Head of Product, SF AppWorks
Andrew Greenstein is the CEO and Head of Product at SF AppWorks, an award-winning custom web and mobile design and development agency. An entrepreneur and storyteller with an insatiable curiosity and passion for what’s next in tech, Andrew is also the host of The Next Great Thing... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

1:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Unlocking the Power of Generative AI with Google Cloud GenAI
Vijaykumar Jangamashetti, Google, Cloud Architect

This session highlights the key capabilities of Google Cloud’s Generative AI's (GenAI) includes Vertex AI portfolio, including Vertex AI Model Garden, Vertex AI Platform, Vertex AI Search, and Vertex AI Conversation, previously use to be GenAI App Builder. It also introduces the recently launched Vertex AI Gen AI APIs and Vertex AI model garden. The session provides an overview of the different tools and services offered by the Vertex AI portfolio, how they can be used to build and deploy generative AI models, and how they can help businesses solve a variety of use cases. 

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Vijaykumar Jangamashetti

Cloud Architect, Google
Vijaykumar Jangamashetti (VJ) is currently working as a Trusted Advisor, Cloud Consulting Architect and a Program Manager at Google for close to 2 years. In this role, he assists customers in designing and architecting their data warehouses to Google Cloud. He also helps customers... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

1:30pm PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (AI): Can We Really Trust AI Systems?
Raul Popa, TypingDNA, CEO

Unveiling the risks of AI systems: ways to compromise AI systems and other applications with and without the use of AI, and how to ensure we can trust the next-gen AIs. 

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Raul Popa

CEO & Data scientist, TypingDNA
AI & Cybersecurity entrepreneur who innovated cybersecurity with "Typing Biometrics" - proprietary AI-based technologies to recognize people based on their typing patterns. Raul was a speaker at leading industry events such as AMLD, World Summit AI, and many other tech & cybersecurity... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

1:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): Building Real-Time Analysis for Your Meetings
Max Mansfield, Zoom, Developer Advocate Engineer
Ojus Save, Zoom, Lead Developer Advocate

Imagine meetings that are not only efficient but also engaging and insightful. This session dives into the exciting world of real-time AI and data streaming, demonstrating how they can revolutionize online collaboration.

We'll explore:
Capturing the Essence: Discover how Zoom meeting SDKs capture raw data, including audio and visuals, in real-time.
Powering with AI: Witness how this data is processed through sophisticated AI models, unlocking a range of possibilities.
Seamless Integration: See how the AI-powered insights are seamlessly integrated back into the meeting, enriching the experience for all participants.

Through captivating demonstrations, we'll showcase:

Advanced applications: Go beyond the ordinary with examples that demonstrate the power of AI in various meeting scenarios.
Enhanced engagement: Experience how real-time AI can foster deeper participation and facilitate productive discussions.
Streamlined workflows: See how AI can automate tasks and alleviate cognitive load, allowing participants to focus on critical discussions.

By the end of this session, you'll be equipped with:

A clear understanding of real-time AI and data streaming in meetings.
A glimpse into the diverse applications of this technology.
Insights into the technical considerations for implementation.

Join us and unlock the potential to transform your meetings into dynamic hubs of collaboration and innovation!

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Max Mansfield

Developer Advocate Engineer, Zoom
Max is a lifelong learner living in Boulder, CO. He has a passion for Linux, Open Source and all things Zoom.
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Ojus Save

Lead Developer Advocate, Zoom
Ojus Milind Save is a Developer Advocate for the Zoom Platform since February of 2019. Ojus has a 7+ years of experience working in Developer Relations and Advocacy. He received his Masters Degree in Computer Science from Lamar University, Texas in 2016 and has worked with the Dialogflow... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

1:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Decoding the EM & PM Dynamic
Joseph Baena, Epic Games, Engineering Manager

Engineering Managers and Product Managers play key roles in software organizations today. While these roles are distinct, there is overlap in how the these two roles contribute to the success of a product and a team. In this talk we will dive into the dynamics of the EM and PM relationship, pitfalls to avoid, and strategies for effective collaboration. 

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Joseph Baena

Engineering Manager, Epic Games
Joseph is an Engineering Manager at Epic Games, the studio behind Fortnite and Unreal Engine. He previously held technical roles at Meta, Spotify, and Yahoo. Joseph is passionate about enabling teams to launch products that bring delight to customers worldwide. A native of Silicon... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

1:30pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Radical Transparency for Software Teams
Gregory Lind, Buildly, CEO & CTO

Redefine team communication with radical transparency. Fostering a culture of openness, honesty, and positivity in your team, can create a work environment where everyone feels empowered to do their best work and grow both personally and professionally. This talk will give an overview to bringing radical transparency into your DevOps, software and product development processes.

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Gregory Lind

CEO and CTO, Buildly
20+ year career in Software, Open Source and Startups. Founder and CTO of four successful startups founded in 3 different countries. Worked with NGO’s and National and Local Government agencies building open source grant and program management systems.

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

1:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Incorporating AI into your products
Harsh Joshi, Visa, Engineer

A deep dive into making products smarter and more user-friendly by incorporating generative AI. This session takes you through identifying prime opportunities for AI enhancement, navigating the technical landscape, and ensuring ethical considerations. Learn how to leverage high-quality data, select the most effective AI models for your needs, and continuously refine these models for peak performance. Plus, discover how to seamlessly blend AI into your product's user experience, making it not just more intelligent, but also more intuitive and engaging. 

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Harsh Joshi

Engineering, Visa
Harsh Joshi is an engineer with a passion for playing with new technologies. With a background in software engineering and technical training, Harsh has a keen interest in evangelising new technologies to a wider audience. His experiences with open source include Google Summer of... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

2:00pm PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (AI): Hitachi Vantara -- The Opportunity: Unlocking GenAI’s Full Potential with Ubiquitous Data Integration
Bharti Patel, Hitachi Vantara, Senior Vice President, Head of Engineering

Bharti will provide an all-encompassing analysis of the importance of data management to derive the true value of Gen AI applications in the enterprise world. The future of data will be defined by constantly evolving integrated technologies, and enterprise tech is seeing an increasing need for resilient, flexible solutions to manage its data. Bharti will also delve into where she sees the intersection of next gen infrastructure and artificial intelligence heading in 2024 and beyond. Bharti will also explore the best practices associated with data management given the recent rise of cybersecurity threats, and how emerging technologies harness the power to transform data protection and innovation. 

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Bharti Patel

Senior Vice President, Head of Engineering, Hitachi Vantara
Bharti Patel is SVP, Head of Engineering at Hitachi Vantara, leading the company’s cutting-edge data and infrastructure product offerings. She was previously CTO at Austin-based Alen where she led digital transformation and exponential growth for medical-grade HEPA air purification... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

2:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (AI): The Quick and Dirty Guide to Metadata
Lisa N. Cao, Datastrato, Data Engineer, Community Organizer

Metadata- what is it? What are it's use cases? In this quick and dirty guide you'll learn about how metadata from various sources can be leveraged to better orchestrate and inform data management and practices, observability, and data governance-- essentials for any data-driven organization looking to scale. We will go over key examples of metadata such as information about 

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Lisa N. Cao

Data Engineer, Community Organizer, Datastrato
Lisa is a former data analyst, now data engineer and software engineer interested in observability, validation, and reliability in data systems. Her background consists of a variety of start-ups, nonprofits, consulting firms, GovTech, and biotechnology. She is a Google Women TechMakers... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

2:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Securing Enterprise Cloud Apps with Zero Code Change
Rakesh Datta, Microsoft, Senior Technical Leader

Today we see a paradigm shift of technology, from people working from the office to going hybrid, as well as using their own devices over VPN. This has unraveled multifarious security attack.

As a speaker, I would like to enlighten the audience about how enterprises are adopting ZTNA and SASE solutions, without zero code change to their app. Would also like to enlighten the audience, on how Microsoft's recent launch (Microsoft Entra SSE) is bringing security as a service to solve this problem.

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Rakesh Datta

Senior Technical Leader, Microsoft
Rakesh is a visionary, innovator, and technical leader, who has worked in the computer software industry for around 14 years. After completing his bachelor's in engineering from India and Master's from the USA, he worked for big enterprises like Microsoft, CISCO, Dell, and others... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

2:00pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): Scaling Ownership to Improve Developer Experience
Ankit Jain, Aviator Technologies, Co-Founder & CEO

Ownership of code and services can become complex and unwieldy, especially as engineering teams scale and codebase complexity grows.

Often, teams that work on large code bases struggle with keeping the ownership up-to-date, team go through reorgs, and priorities change. Imagine discovering that crucial components are orphaned because of outdated ownership assignments.

In an ever growing developer ecosystem, there are multiple sources like internal developer portal, alerting system, monitoring system, code reviews where ownership is defined and has to be maintained.

This talk will explore practical strategies to streamline ownership management, addressing the intricacies of reorgs, shifting priorities, and codebase complexities.

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Ankit Jain

Co-founder & CEO, Aviator Technologies
Ankit is a cofounder and CEO of dev-productivity startup Aviator Technologies and also leads the ex-Google alumni network (Xoogler.co). Previously he led engineering teams at Sunshine, Homejoy and Shippo. Prior to that, Ankit was also an EIR at Unshackled Ventures and an engineer... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

2:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Framework & Lessons Learned From Building a Generative AI Application
Jason Tan, Engage AI, Founder & Managing Director

In this session, Jason will delve into the world of building Generative AI applications and the invaluable lessons learned along the way. Join Jason for a captivating session that unveils the framework behind crafting cutting-edge Generative AI solutions and the key takeaways that pave the path to success.

Jason will discuss:

- The foundational framework for developing a robust Generative AI application

- Invaluable insights gained from real-world experiences and challenges faced during the development process

- Lessons learned from overcoming obstacles and refining the application

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Jason Tan

Founder & Managing Director, Engage AI
Jason Tan is the Founder of Engage AI - a Second Brain to technical SME owners in the B2B industry, like Anne Hathaway is to Meryl Streep in the iconic Devil Wears Prada movie. With its impeccable long-term memory and timely information, it acts like an ever-reliable PA. With Engage... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

2:30pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (AI): Supercharge Your Cloud-Native Applications with Generative AI
Cedric Clyburn, Red Hat, Developer Advocate

Generative AI is quickly revolutionizing how we build modern applications, but for developers, it can be daunting, particularly with evaluating models, building with GenAI, and the path to production. But, it doesn’t have to be worrisome! Join us in this session to be ahead of the curve when it comes to AI-enabled cloud-native application development.

Using open-source tools like Podman Desktop and Hugging Face, we’ll show how to practically integrate GenAI in an existing application from your local development environment and ultimately deploy it onto Kubernetes. Why work with local and open-source models? From reducing cloud computing costs, keeping control of your sensitive data, and alleviating vendor-locking, it’s an increasingly popular way for developers to prototype AI applications quickly. We’ll demonstrate the whole AI journey, starting from assessing models, building applications with LLMs, and deploying/serving AI applications.

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Cedric Clyburn

Developer Advocate, Red Hat
Cedric Clyburn (@cedricclyburn), Developer Advocate at Red Hat, is an enthusiastic software technologist with a background in Kubernetes, DevOps, and container tools. He has experience speaking at conferences and events including DevNexus, WeAreDevelopers, DevConf, and more. Cedric... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Main Stage

2:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Framework for Measuring and Improving Product Quality
Harsha Vardhan Mudumba Venkata, Notion, Engineering Manager

This talk will cover the following topics:

1) Breaks down what product quality means in the eyes of customers and stakeholders. We'll explore the dimensions and metrics that matter most.

2) Outlines a framework that provides a clear, step-by-step path for measuring, assessing, and enhancing product quality throughout the development lifecycle.

3) Explore strategies to foster a culture of quality within your organization, ensuring that everyone plays a role in delivering exceptional products.

The audience will have an actionable framework that they can take to their respective organization to implement.

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Harsha Vardhan Mudumba Venkata

Engineering Manager, Notion
Seasoned Engineering Lead with experience building teams and shipping products at Notion, Twitter, and Facebook. Drove complex cross-org, cross-functional projects in Twitter Ads, Instagram products for Creators, and Facebook Ads.

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL AI DevSummit Expo Stage

2:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Management): Rebuilding Trust and Delivering Impact: Strategies for Engineering Leaders
Guillermo Fisher, Kuzaa, Fractional CTO

If you’re an engineering leader, you’ve probably heard your cross-functional peers say things like “the team is too slow” or “we can’t trust engineering’s estimates”. You might’ve received this feedback in a 1:1 conversation, or you may have seen it pop up in an engagement survey. When you know your people are working hard, and the wins you’ve accumulated don’t seem to matter to anyone outside of your team, that kind of feedback can be demoralizing—not just to you, but to the engineers you support. But how can you change that narrative? How can you rebuild trust in your team?

In this talk, we’ll cover techniques you can use to focus your team’s energy on high impact work, control the narrative about your team through proactive communication, and manage stakeholder relationships. I’ll walk you through my own real-life experiences applying these techniques, and provide options that will help you tailor your own authentic approach.

Key Takeaways
- How to use metrics to tell a compelling story about your - engineering team’s success
- How to align your team’s focus with the company’s highest priorities
- How to communicate about your teams wins and losses in a way that builds trust
- How to engage with stakeholders across the organization to understand their expectations and better manage them

The success of an engineering leader hinges not just on their ability to deliver quality, cost-effective solutions, but also on their perception among peers. This presentation offers a roadmap to achieving this, ensuring leaders not only deliver quality, cost-effective solutions but also command respect and confidence across their organization.

avatar for Guillermo Fisher

Guillermo Fisher

Fractional CTO, Kuzaa
Guillermo Fisher is a fractional CTO, advisor, and engineering leadership coach with two decades of experience in driving organizational innovation and cultivating high-performing software engineering teams. Having held pivotal leadership positions such as Senior Vice President of... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Expo Stage

2:30pm PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Management): The Effective Leadership Playbook
Ahmed Wasfy, Google, Engineering Leader

Effective Leadership is simple: it boils down to a few key principles, done well! In this talk, Ahmed will walk through his "Effective Leadership" playbook. A playbook that he developed through his experience leading teams at Microsoft, Google and Amazon. The playbook focuses on 3 pillars: Yourself, People and Projects. Expect to leave this talk armed with the principles to help make you a more effective leader today! 

avatar for Ahmed Wasfy

Ahmed Wasfy

Engineering Leader, Amazon
Ahmed is a seasoned engineering leader and coach, who has led engineering teams at some of the largest names in tech including Microsoft, Google and AWS. He is currently leading ML teams at Amazon.

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:30pm - 2:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Management Main Stage

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