DeveloperWeek Management 2024 + AI DevSummit 2024 (+ DW...
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JavaScript Summit [clear filter]
Wednesday, June 5

6:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): JavaScript Supply Chain Security: How Are We Doing?
Edoardo Dusi, SparkFabrik, Developer Relations Engineer

During this presentation, we will analyze the current state of security in the JavaScript ecosystem. We will cover a range of topics, including common vulnerabilities, attack vectors, mitigation strategies, security tools and frameworks, and best practices. Additionally, we will discuss the role of OpenSSF, a collaborative initiative that aims to enhance the security of open source software. Node.js has been selected as the first project to receive funding and assistance from its Alpha-Omega initiative, which strives to improve the security of critical open source projects. By the end of this talk, you will have a clearer understanding of the current state of security in JavaScript and how we can improve our security practices. 

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Edoardo Dusi

Developer Relations Engineer, SparkFabrik
Edoardo is a Developer Relations Engineer at SparkFabrik, a company that helps organisations build digital products with open source technologies. He has a strong software developer and team leader background, working on various projects and platforms. He is passionate about creating... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 6:00am - 6:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

6:30am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Latin America) -- TechIsHiring -- Building Your Front-End with Intention: Architecture and Tooling for Your Next Front-End Project!
Chad Stewart, TechIsHiring, Founder

Front-End code bases can quickly become really difficult to maintain or add new features to. This mainly comes from our Front-End components being highly coupled either through poorly written CSS or components having too many responsibilities

But there is a way we can avoid these such code bases.

We will learn in this talk how building your Front-End Architecture with intention will keep code bases manageable and easy to reason about, allowing for rapid development and easily responding to changing requirements. And we will also learn how this also leads to code bases that’s easier for new people to onboard and contribute to, allowing them to learn the code base at their own pace.

This is done by leveraging Component-Driven Design and Brad’s Frost’s Atomic Design to promote component isolation. With the attributes these architectural decisions promote, we can leverage techniques such as Functional CSS to further promote component isolation by inverting the flow of control of our CSS. These and other tools and techniques will allow us to build a code base of loosely coupled components, where Engineers only need to understand the component they are working in to start providing value.

By the end of this talk, those in attendance will have the tools they’ll need to build or migrate their code bases to something more loosely coupled, decreasing Engineering time for tasks, promoting rapid iteration and simply making a Front-End code base much more of a joy to work in.

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Chad Stewart

Founder, TechIsHiring
Chad R. Stewart is a Full Stack Engineer from Kingston, Jamaica. He is the Founder of TechIsHiring, a space run primarily from Twitter that serves as a resource for people looking to find a new role in Tech by promoting job seekers, job opportunities and supportive information and... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 6:30am - 6:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

8:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): How Writing Just One Import the Wrong Way Slows Down Your Website
François Martin, Karakun AG, Senior Full Stack Software Engineer

Tree shaking is a feature that is used by modern bundlers to keep bundle size down (and load times fast), but if just one import is written in a non-optimal way, this can result in the whole dependency being included in the bundle. In some cases, this even happens with automatically suggested imports by the IDE. Learn about the correct way of importing from dependencies, tricks you can use to easily determine the impact on bundle size, and why having a lot of dependencies may not be as bad as you think! 

avatar for François Martin

François Martin

Senior Full Stack Software Engineer, Karakun
François Martin is a senior full stack software engineer at Karakun AG, living in Switzerland. He is an active open source contributor and co-author of the two open source JavaFX frameworks WorkbenchFX and PreferencesFX, an active member of the Swiss Testing Board and he participates... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 8:00am - 8:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

8:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Cypress, Playwright or Selenium: Choosing the Right Testing Tool
Soumaya Erradi, Atlantis, Senior Software Developer

In the dynamic world of software development, ensuring the quality and reliability of applications is crucial, and test automation plays a vital role in achieving this.
However, with a multitude of test automation tools available, finding the right one for your project can be overwhelming.
While Cypress, Playwright, and Selenium stand out as the most popular choices, the decision between them often depends on the specific needs of your project and the programming language you prefer.
In this session, we'll dive into practical examples to demonstrate how these tools work, explore the pros and cons of each and learn what factors to keep in mind for specific project requirements.

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Soumaya Erradi

Senior Software Developer, Atlantis
I'm Soumaya Erradi and I'm a software developer and an IT teacher.I'm high skilled in web development (frontend and backend), specialized in developing enterprise applications using Angular.Currently, I'm working as frontend lead developer in a team focused on blockchain app development.I'm... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 8:30am - 8:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1
Thursday, June 6

8:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Next Generation Front-End Tooling: Vite
Vadivel Chandran, U.S. Bank, Principal Engineer

Vite is a build tool and development server designed to speed up and improve web development, particularly for modern JavaScript applications. It was created to improve the developer experience by leveraging native ES modules (ESM) in modern browsers and adopting a new, innovative approach to development and bundling. 

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Vadivel Chandran

Principal Engineer, U.S. Bank
Vadivel Chandran is Principal Engineer at U.S. Bank with over 18+ Years of experience and currently leading online and mobile banking money movement customer experience front-end product engineering products and specializing in the digital transformation of front-end engineering... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 8:00am - 8:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

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