DeveloperWeek Management 2024 + AI DevSummit 2024 (+ DW...
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Europe [clear filter]
Wednesday, June 5

3:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Hacking and Protection of Mobile Apps and Backend APIs. Threat Modeling Exercise
Tomáš Soukal, Talsec, Security Consultant

You should attend this talk if you want to know how mobile apps & APIs are being hacked and what you need to do to protect them. We will explore large-scale attacks targeting backend APIs like botnets, fake registrations, and token hijacking. Whether you're a developer, security professional, or anyone invested in securing mobile applications, this talk equips you with practical insights and proactive measures to safeguard against evolving cyber threats. The talk is aligned with current OWASP MAS practices, focusing on architecture, resiliency, network, and storage areas. Join to stay ahead in protecting your digital assets.

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Tomáš Soukal

Security Consultant, Talsec
I am Tomáš Soukal and my daily bread and butter is explaining the mobile security concepts related to RASP technology.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:00am - 3:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

3:30am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Europe) -- DealBeyond the Deal: Tackling M&A Integration Head-On
Christos Chatzis, Orfium, Associate Director of Engineering
Dimitris Kalaitzidis, Orfium, Director of Engineering

In this presentation, the ambitious journey undertaken by Orfium in its integration with a competitor will be explored, signifying the dawn of a new epoch in our sector. Attention will be drawn to the complex process where two distinct companies were merged into a unified, cohesive organization. The challenges encountered – ranging from the merging of diverse corporate cultures and work methodologies, to the intricacies involved in combining product lines and reconciling differences between cloud-based and on-premises infrastructures – will be detailed. Additionally, the strategies employed to bridge knowledge gaps will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on how these challenges were successfully navigated and transformed into a narrative of triumph. To conclude, insights and lessons gleaned from this audacious integration will be shared, providing a blueprint for similar endeavors in the future. Attendees are invited to an informative session on the dynamics of successful corporate mergers, presented in a comprehensive and enlightening manner. 

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Dimitris Kalaitzidis

Director of Engineering, Orfium
With several years of experience in the field of Software Engineering, their journey in iOS development has been marked by continuous growth and achievement. He embarked on his career at ORFIUM during its early stages, demonstrating his dedication and expertise in the domain. Over... Read More →
avatar for Christos Chatzis

Christos Chatzis

Associate Director of Engineering, Orfium
Christos Chatzis is an As. Director of Engineeringin ORFIUM, a technology company providing SW, Data, and Licensing solutions for the entertainment industry's most complex problems around music, content, and rights management.He is passionate about building and improving the Engineering... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 3:30am - 3:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

4:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Minimal API - Tool for the Job
Karol Rogowski, SoftwareHut, Head of Engineering

Minimal API is a powerful tool for developers looking to build lightweight and efficient web applications. Unlike traditional web frameworks that can be cumbersome and difficult to work with, Minimal API streamlines the development process by providing a simple, yet effective, interface for creating RESTful APIs. With Minimal API, developers can easily define routes, handle HTTP requests and responses, and implement middleware with just a few lines of code. This results in faster development times, improved performance, and reduced complexity. Whether you're building a small application or a large-scale API, Minimal API is the perfect tool for the job. 

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Karol Rogowski

Head of Engineering, SoftwareHut
Working in IT since 2009. Currently working as Head of Engineering at SoftwareHut and as an academic teacher at Białystok Technical University. Co-founder of meet.js Białystok. Book and articles author. Father, husband, huge H.P. Lovecraft fan and terrible poker player.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:00am - 4:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

4:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): The Arazzo Specification – Unlocking API Value for Humans and Machines
Frank Kilcommins, SmartBear, Principal API Technical Evangelist

The disruptive power of AI comes in its ability to truly assist humans. For AI models to carry out meaningful actions upon our request, they need to leverage APIs under the hood. Interacting with APIs consistently is cumbersome for large language models, mainly down varying levels of quality in APIs and their accompanying reference documentation across the industry.

With the intersection of AI and APIs being the nucleus of technical innovation for the years ahead, the question that stands out is: Are we ready for this wave of AI (machine) API consumers? The answer: The Arazzo Specification is coming just at the right time!

The new Arazzo Specification, developed under the OpenAPI Initiative, which enables the ability to craft workflows, a series of API calls, in a human- and machine-readable format. The value on offer from API endpoints can be well understood and consumed faster, making it easier to achieve a specific goal for traditional human consumers – as well as the new wave of AI consumers.

The Arazzo Specification can provide a sufficient level of predictable determinism to AI models, allowing them to offer a natural language abstraction on top of the business use cases, while in parallel giving interoperability benefits to the actual API providers. The result is more value, with less vendor lock-in, and consistent API offerings for both humans and the new wave of AI consumers.

The benefits for human consumers are equally valuable, and the Arazzo Specification affords the ability to unlock API value and improve developer experience for API producers and consumers.

Overall, the Arazzo Specification improves the capability of API specifications to tell the story of the API in a manner that improves interoperability across industries. Join this talk to learn more!

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Frank Kilcommins

Principal API Technical Evangelist, SmartBear
Frank Kilcommins, API Technical Evangelist at SmartBear, has over 15 years of experience in the technology industry, his roles spanning from software engineering to enterprise architecture. His mission is to inspire, engage with, and support the API community as well as SmartBear... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 4:30am - 4:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

5:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Breaking Barriers: The Art of (Free) Gamified Security Training
Joseph Katsioloudes, GitHub, Security Lab

In a world where security training often feels like a mundane chore, discover the refreshing impact of gamification and turn learning into an enjoyable experience. Embark on an insightful journey as we unveil the success story of gh.io/securecodegame, an open-source game hosted on GitHub Skills, that attracted over 3,000 developers within the first 6 months.

This session will provide you with an exclusive behind-the-scenes perspective, offering valuable insights and practical strategies to revolutionize various aspects of security training for your benefit. We’ll explore a case study from a tech startup that observed, among the developers who played the game, an increased sense of ownership for code security, improved communication with security teams, and a strong willingness to embrace further security training.

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Joseph Katsioloudes

Security Lab, GitHub
Joseph is a security expert who empowers developers to ship secure software through his research and education work at the GitHub Security Lab. His recent contributions include video content with combined 1M+ views packed with practical security tips, and the free game gh.io/securecodegame... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 5:00am - 5:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

5:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Unveiling WasmCov: Revolutionizing Test Coverage Across Wasm Ecosystems
Noah Jelich, Hacken, Lead Security Researcher

WebAssembly (Wasm) has seen widespread adoption, yet a significant challenge persists—lack of support for comprehensive test coverage solutions like LLVM. In the realm of blockchain, where code vulnerabilities can have severe consequences, relying on automated testing becomes paramount. This presentation delves into the limitations of current test coverage suites for Wasm and introduces an innovative solution - WasmCov. Developed by Noah Jelich and Bartosz Barwikowski at Hacken, WasmCov pioneers the field of Wasm module coverage, providing a robust testing tool to fortify smart contract development in blockchain environments.

Join us as we unveil WasmCov and explore its potential to redefine the reliability and security of Wasm-based smart contracts.

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Noah Jelich

Lead Security Researcher, Hacken
Technical lead with expertise in security research, full stack software engineering, and blockchain development:• Proficient in Rust, Typescript, Solidity, and Python with a strong foundation in information security principles.• Regularly speaks at conferences and panels on topics... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 5:30am - 5:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

6:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): JavaScript Supply Chain Security: How Are We Doing?
Edoardo Dusi, SparkFabrik, Developer Relations Engineer

During this presentation, we will analyze the current state of security in the JavaScript ecosystem. We will cover a range of topics, including common vulnerabilities, attack vectors, mitigation strategies, security tools and frameworks, and best practices. Additionally, we will discuss the role of OpenSSF, a collaborative initiative that aims to enhance the security of open source software. Node.js has been selected as the first project to receive funding and assistance from its Alpha-Omega initiative, which strives to improve the security of critical open source projects. By the end of this talk, you will have a clearer understanding of the current state of security in JavaScript and how we can improve our security practices. 

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Edoardo Dusi

Developer Relations Engineer, SparkFabrik
Edoardo is a Developer Relations Engineer at SparkFabrik, a company that helps organisations build digital products with open source technologies. He has a strong software developer and team leader background, working on various projects and platforms. He is passionate about creating... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 6:00am - 6:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

6:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): The Hackers Guide to Software Supply Chain Attacks
Mackenzie Jackson, GitGuardian, Developer and security advocate

Take a step into the world of black hat hacking groups and follow them step by step through a supply chain attack.

Software supply chain attacks have forever changed the security landscape, enabling attackers to target more victims with increasingly sophisticated attacks. But how do these supply chain attacks unfold in reality? This talk reviews high-profile attacks and then recreates the steps through a series of live demos to uncover and unmask how supply chain attacks unfold and how we can prevent them. We focus on three methods of attacking the supply chain:
Attacking the CI/CD pipeline
Breaching the version control systems (VCS)
Poisoning open-source dependencies
Abusing AI package hallucinations

At the end of the presentation, we'll synthesize our findings into effective  

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Mackenzie Jackson

Developer and security advocate, GitGuardian
Mackenzie is a developer advocate with a passion for DevOps and code security. As the co-founder and former CTO of a health tech startup, he learnt first-hand how critical it is to build secure applications with robust developer operations.Today as the Developer Advocate at GitGuardian... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 6:30am - 6:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

7:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Apache Pulsar: Finally an Alternative to Kafka?
Julien Jakubowski, StreamNative, Developer Advocate

Today, when you think about building event-driven and real-time applications, the words that come to you spontaneously are probably: RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, or Kafka. These are the solutions that dominate this landscape. But have you ever heard of Apache Pulsar?

After a brief presentation of the fundamental concepts of messaging, you'll discover the Apache Pulsar features that enable you to build amazing event-driven applications.
You'll learn the following:
- how Apache Pulsar architecture differs from other brokers
- how it enables scaling processing power & data independently, quickly, and with no hassle
- how it guarantees high durability of messages across nodes and different data centers
- how it covers the use cases of both RabbitMQ & Kafka while involving a single broker
- how to integrate Pulsar with your existing application portfolio
- and more

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Julien Jakubowski

Developer Advocate, StreamNative
Julien Jakubowski is a Developer Advocate at StreamNative with over 20+ years of experience as a developer, staff engineer, and consultant. He has built several complex systems with distributed, scalable, and event-driven architecture for various industrial sectors such as retail... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 7:00am - 7:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

7:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Cloud-Native Software Supply Chain Security: The Hard Truth
Daniel Drack, FullStackS GmbH, Senior DevOps Engineer

Everybody is talking about SBOM, attestation, MFA, signatures and other security measures - but who is actually implementing them?

This session mixes things up with a hybrid approach, based on the insights from a master's thesis that looks into how people are adopting security measures in software supply chains. We'll take a journey through the bits and pieces of cloud-native software supply chains, spotlighting the security steps for each part. Expect a friendly chat about what's currently working best, the bumps we might hit along the way, and some cool tools that can help. Plus, we've got some fresh data on how these practices are catching on (or not) in the real world, straight from our survey. This talk is your ticket to understanding the now of supply chain security and seeing how much of it is actually being put to use.

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Daniel Drack

Senior DevOps Engineer, FullStackS
Daniel started his IT carreer as an administrator for ETL and BI tools. He then worked some time in a data warehousing team before diving into all topics devops and cloud native. In his current role he is a DevOps and cloud-native consultant with FullStackS GmbH. Daniel holds a BSc... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 7:30am - 7:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

8:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): How Writing Just One Import the Wrong Way Slows Down Your Website
François Martin, Karakun AG, Senior Full Stack Software Engineer

Tree shaking is a feature that is used by modern bundlers to keep bundle size down (and load times fast), but if just one import is written in a non-optimal way, this can result in the whole dependency being included in the bundle. In some cases, this even happens with automatically suggested imports by the IDE. Learn about the correct way of importing from dependencies, tricks you can use to easily determine the impact on bundle size, and why having a lot of dependencies may not be as bad as you think! 

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François Martin

Senior Full Stack Software Engineer, Karakun
François Martin is a senior full stack software engineer at Karakun AG, living in Switzerland. He is an active open source contributor and co-author of the two open source JavaFX frameworks WorkbenchFX and PreferencesFX, an active member of the Swiss Testing Board and he participates... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 8:00am - 8:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

8:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Preparing for Success: A Startup's Infrastructure Performance Optimization Journey
Daniel Idlis, OwnID, Senior Software Engineer

In this lecture I will walk you through the load testing & infrastructure performance optimization journey that I led at OwnID so you can learn how we were able to make our product more robust, resilient and cost-efficient.
This real-life case study will demonstrate how we were able to gain more confidence in our product's infrastructure performance and reduce AWS costs by thousands of dollars a month.

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Daniel Idlis

Software Engineer, Melio
A curious software engineer with 7 years of experience in various technical positions and a bachelor's degree in computer science.Enthusiastic about software architecture & product design.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 8:30am - 8:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

9:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): ChatGPMe: Make Your AI Twin Using Your WhatsApp Chats!
Aldan Creo, Accenture The Dock, Technology Research Specialist

Have you ever wondered how other people feel when they talk to you? Now you'll know!

In this session we'll take our WhatsApp message history and use it to train our own versions of ChatGPT. Your experiences, your opinions, your secrets... We'll use them all to build a chatbot that speaks and thinks like you. Your digital twin!

But be careful! Talking to yourself can be very addictive. Please don't leave your friends and loved ones for your self-AI :)

Join us! We'll keep things simple, no previous knowledge required!

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Aldan Creo

Technology Research Specialist, Accenture The Dock
Aldan studied CS in Spain, France and Switzerland, graduating as valedictorian. He completed 4 internships and was selected by Django as a Google Summer of Code contributor. He received a grant from the Spanish government to undertake research on Natural Language Processing. He garnered... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

9:30am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Europe) -- Oracle -- A Solid Foundation for GenAI Apps - Exploring Architectural Blueprints for LLM Solutions with Java
Juarez Junior, Oracle, Software Engineering, Solutions Architecture, Developer Relations

This talk will explore the main architectural blueprints for Java GenAI Applications. It will provide some reference architectures and solutions for building LLM-based agents. Code examples with Spring AI, LangChain4J and OpenAI will be presented, along with vector databases.

The talk comprises the most common design patterns for building GenAI solutions with Java, offering insights on addressing the most typical requirements for such applications, approaching recurrent problems, and breaking them into manageable components to unlock the potential of LLMs with Java.

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Juarez Junior

Software Engineering, Oracle
Juarez Barbosa Junior is a Sr. Principal Java Developer Evangelist - Director of Developer Evangelism at Oracle. Previously, he was an Azure Developer Relations Lead at Microsoft and a Thought Leader and Technical Evangelist at IBM. He has over 20 years of professional experience... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 9:30am - 9:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

10:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Integrating Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure OpenAI to Build Intelligent Apps
Daniel Paulus, Delegate, Managing Consultant

In this session, we'll explore the world of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and discover how it's the backbone for integrating cutting-edge Azure services, like Azure OpenAI, into your applications.

I'll also show you how to craft resilient, scalable applications like a pro, using modern practices to enhance your infrastructure's scalability and reliability. Plus, we'll explore the ins and outs of automation with CI/CD using GitHub, so your projects stay ahead in the race.

By joining me in this session, you'll gain a deep understanding of how to architect and deploy impactful, intelligent applications on Azure. And let's be real - who doesn't want to be a digital superstar? So, grab a seat, and let's get started on taking your Azure app development game to the next level!

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Daniel Paulus

Managing Consultant, Delegate
Daniel is a serial conference and meetup organiser. He's a Managing Consultant at Delegate, a Microsoft Azure focused consultancy company, and a Microsoft Azure MVP. He helps companies succeed with Cloud Native technologies and DevOps practices. When not working with tech you can... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:00am - 10:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

10:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Creating Your Own LLM from Opensource Models
Sebastiano Galazzo, Maia, Artificial intelligence researcher

From a "simple" finetuning to your own Mixture of Expert model using opensource models.
Nowadays training from scratch an LLM is a so huge effort also for very big company. Starting from pre-trained models to create your own model is no more a way for resourceless companies, but a often a must starting point.

- Lora
- Quantization and QLora
- Injecting embeddinds model into Lora to manage multiple Lora adapters.
- Mixing models
- Creating your MoE (Mixture of experts) model using several finetuned (Your own) models

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Sebastiano Galazzo

Artificial intelligence researcher, Maia
Winner of three AI awards, I’ve been working in AI and machine learning for 25 years, designing and developing AI and computer graphic algorithms.I’m very passionate about AI, focusing on Audio, Image and Natural Language Processing, and predictive analysis as well.I received... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 10:30am - 10:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

1:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Leveraging AI Large Language Models and AWS for Automated CloudOps Diagnostics
Renaldi Gondosubroto, Seek Limited, Software Engineer

In the constantly evolving landscape of Cloud Operations (CloudOps), IT operations professionals grapple with the massive task of monitoring, maintenance, and installation of servers, networks, and other essential IT infrastructures. Given the acceleration of API proliferation and automation services, the quintessential role of Ops teams is undergoing a sea change, notably with the formidable presence of cloud vendors such as AWS, GCP, and Azure. Drawing inspiration from this trend, the talk navigates through an unprecedented venture where AI Large Language Models (LLMs) synergize with AWS to carve out a novel pathway in CloudOps - Automated CloudOps Diagnostics. Delving deep into this innovative approach, the session elucidates the conceptualization and realization of a state-of-the-art diagnostic tool leveraging the prowess of LLMs coupled with AWS’s vast array of services.The exploration begins with a spotlight on the formulation phase where AWS Lambda and AWS Step Functions stand as the pivotal components in orchestrating a seamless workflow, thereby automating the diagnostic process. Moreover, the presentation sheds light on the role of LLMs in intelligently parsing the enormous datasets to identify patterns and anomalies that could potentially affect the operational dynamics, offering insights into how DevOps teams can revitalize their strategies by relying on AI-driven analytical tools. As the narrative unfolds, the audience gains a closer look at the real-time application of the tool, encompassing a detailed breakdown of its intricate functioning. Here, the integration of GPT-4 facilitates an interactive dashboard that translates complex diagnostic data into intuitive, easy-to-understand reports, essentially bridging the gap between raw data and actionable insights.The session navigates through the multi-faceted dimensions of the deployment phase, bringing forth critical reflections on the operational successes and failures, and the lessons learned in the process. It encompasses an honest discourse on the practical challenges encountered, and how the tool evolved through a series of iterations, constantly honing its capabilities to meet the dynamic demands of CloudOps. The session then extends an invitation to the audience to envision the future trajectories in CloudOps, facilitated by the collaborative force of AI LLMs and AWS, painting a canvas of possibilities that await in the realm of CloudOps diagnostics, from predictive maintenance to proactive solutions that pre-empt potential issues before they escalate, steering the CloudOps narrative towards a future of intelligence, efficiency, and automation.Attendees will not only gain a comprehensive understanding of the revolutionary potential of comingling AI LLMs and AWS in CloudOps but will walk away with a visionary perspective, equipped with the knowledge to spearhead innovative approaches in their respective CloudOps landscapes.

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Renaldi Gondosubroto

Software Engineer, Seek Limited

Wednesday June 5, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

1:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Crafting a User Friendly Test Automation Framework
Mesut Durukal, Indeed, QA Automation Engineer

Yes, you got it right. We will talk about the user-friendliness of not the product we are developing, but our test automation framework. Well, the test automation framework is a product indeed, right? Let’s see ways to build a user-friendly test automation framework.
See the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVj7ht4dQv4 

avatar for Mesut Durukal

Mesut Durukal

QA Automation Engineer, Indeed
Mesut has 15+ years of experience in Industrial Automation, IoT platforms,SaaS/PaaS and Cloud Services, the Defense Industry, Autonomous Mobile Robots,and Embedded and Software applications. Along with having proficiency in CMMIand Scrum & PMP experiences under his belt, he has taken... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

2:00pm PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Europe/ Latin America) -- SafeStack -- So Long Secure Coding - Practical Steps for Securing the entire SDLC
Laura Bell Main, SafeStack, CEO

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Laura Bell Main

CEO, SafeStack
Laura Bell Main is recognized as a global leader in developing secure software. As the CEO of SafeStack, a leading secure development education platform, she helps software development leaders worldwide engage their entire team in cyber security. She is the co-author of "Agile Application... Read More →

Wednesday June 5, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage
Thursday, June 6

4:00am PDT

[Virtual] KEYNOTE (Europe) -- The Control and Security of Cloud Resources: How to Be (or Not to Be) Cloud Confident
Marius Zaharia, Société Générale, Cloud Solutions Architect

Behind the enthusiastic move of deploying and consuming public cloud resources hides a more delicate moment to come: when realizing that your assets may be vulnerable and open to bad intentions. This became a real concern, as more and more attacks are perpetuated against companies and institutions. As well, the same facility in consuming the public cloud brings particular risks of cloud resources governance.

This session will be on sharing experiences, processes, implementations of structured frameworks for controlling and governing public cloud resources to report compliance, protect against bad practices, or remediate con

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Marius Zaharia

Cloud Solutions Architect, Société Générale
From the late 2000s, when the cloud computing took off, Marius Zaharia followed up closely the evolution of cloud technologies, with focus on IaaS, PaaS or hybrid architectures, and particularly in Azure, Microsoft’s cloud, and Amazon AWS. At Société Générale, an European leading... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 4:00am - 4:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

4:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Shaping the Future of Real-Time Data Pipeline
Bobur Umurzokov, Datox.ai, Developer Advocate

The rise of real-time data processing has transformed business operations, yet navigating its technical challenges remains complex. Organizations often wrestle with managing distinct batch and streaming data workflows, each presenting unique difficulties. Batch processing, while effective for large datasets, can be costly, slow, and not well-suited for streaming API integration. On the other hand, streaming, despite its speed and low latency, often has restricted functionality.

This talk is prepared for developers, data engineers, and tech visionaries eager to explore how to build an efficient, dynamic, and unified data pipeline for both scenarios using streaming platforms in Python. You will see with examples how simple it is to make your batch code run in streaming with serverless infrastructure from day 1.

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Bobur Umurzokov

Developer Advocate, GlassFlow
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐈 𝐚𝐦Bobur is a developer advocate and speaker specializing in software and data engineering. With over 10- years of experience in IT, he blogs about open-source technologies and the community around them.𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐝𝐨Bobur works with companies... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 4:30am - 4:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

5:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Technology is Necessary, But Not Sufficient
Simon Copsey, The Curious Coffee Club, Delivery & Transformation Consultant

Adopting and evolving technologies in an organisation is important and can offer significant advantages. However, translating these advantages into bottom-line benefits often comes from combining technical change with social change - we must not just change the technology, but also rewrite the rules governing how that technology is used.

We are seeing growing thought leadership moving into this sociotechnical space: SRE, Data Mesh, DevOps and Platform Engineering are equally about the technology as they are about the rethinking of how teams are designed and organised.

In this talk we hope to help you understand how to apply this sociotechnical thinking to your organisation, so you unlock the - often untapped - bottom-line benefits of technical change.

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Simon Copsey

Delivery & Transformation Consultant, The Curious Coffee Club
I'm a Transformation Consultant, on a mission to help organisations understand and unwind complex, cross-functional obstacles - enabling happier staff to deliver better software to customers sooner.My career has taken me from being a developer in the trenches to helping various organisations... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 5:00am - 5:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

6:00am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Measuring Developer Productivity: The Good, the Bad and the Data
Marco Pierobon, Thoughtworks, Lead developer
Marisa Martín Serrano, Thoughtworks, Technical Product Manager

Many consultancy and product companies are trying to sell a model where developers can be ranked based on their output.
These measures are often times not only misleading, but also preventing effective collaborations.

Let's explore these faulty metrics and assess how productivity can actually be measured.

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Marco Pierobon

Lead developer, Thoughtworks
Marco Pierobon, a seasoned Developer at Thoughtworks, brings 13 years of experience in distributed applications, specializing in cloud technologies like Kubernetes and Terraform. With a proven track record of transforming team approaches from project-based to product-oriented, he's... Read More →
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Marisa Martín Serrano

Technical Product Manager, Thoughtworks
I am an individual immensely passionate about Technology. I started my career working in a platform team building the core of CASTOR at CERN, the largest file system at the time. Ever since, my career has been nearly always linked to the platform world. I now work as Technical Product... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 6:00am - 6:25am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

6:30am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Building Platforms That Scale
Ant(on) Weiss,  PerfectScale, Software Delivery Futurist

Platform engineering has become the de-facto standard implementation of the DevOps approach. Internal platforms are becoming the backbone of effective software delivery. But the discipline is still very young. The principles of platform design are still evolving.
One basic requirement is that an internal platform stays flexible and scalable - an enabling entity rather than a hurdle.
Let's review the industry's lessons on how to build platforms that scale.

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Ant(on) Weiss

Software Delivery Futurist, PerfectScale
20 years in tech, marketing and leadership roles. All about software delivery optimization. 5 years in technical and executive training. Expert in DevOps, Lean, Systems Thinking, Continuous Delivery, Cloud Native and Decentralized Systems. Coder, speaker, writer. Fixated on improving... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 6:30am - 6:55am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

6:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): The Missing Key of Resilience - How to Find & Cultivate Inner Strength
Lena Thompson, Consulting

Resilience comes in different forms, and most are focused on developing physical and mental resilience to deal with life’s challenges and curveballs.

Although it is essential to develop these types of resilience, it may cause us to put an insurmountable amount of pressure on ourselves, leading to stress, anxiety and burnout.

But there is another type of resilience, and when we learn how to cultivate it, we can tap into our inner strengths without exerting so much effort and willpower.

In this presentation, I share how to cultivate this type of resilience and how it can help us overcome adversities and develop unshakable self-confidence.

The takeaways are:
-Strategy for generating more energy
-Practical tools to transform negative emotions into positive outcomes
-How to make great decisions
-Insights on self-empowerment techniques
- Cultivating inner peace and creating harmonious work environments

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Lena Thompson

Consulting, Lena Thompson
Lena has over 15 years of experience in the corporate arena consulting, training and designing systems for global clients.In 2019 she left her career to figure out her purpose and find direction in life.Now, Lena is an award-winning entrepreneur and an international speaker on a mission... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 6:30am - 6:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

7:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Refactoring Your Legacy Applications the Right Way!
Niels Stubbe, Noest, Consultant and software architect

If you have worked in a legacy codebase or 'big ball of mud', you know that it can make development unnecessarily slow, frustrating and costly. The solution, many developers would say, is to just rewrite the whole thing. But good luck getting every stakeholder to agree to such a costly and risky process.

In this session we will take a look at the different ways you can clean up your codebase. while minimizing risk and costs. We will discuss some of the different strategies like the 'Strangler Fig Pattern' and we'll go over a few tips and best-practices on how you can avoid the same mistakes in the future.

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Niels Stubbe

Consultant and software architect, Noest
Hi, I’m Niels. In my day-to-day life I’m a consultant and software architect at Noest who is passionate about software development, Azure and .NET.When I’m not doing technical things, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, reading books and tinkering with all kinds of... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 7:00am - 7:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

7:30am PDT

Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Measuring Developer Productivity and the Space Framework
Sydney Cohen, Axolo, CTO

This session talks about:

- Top 5 myths of measuring developer productivity with memes!
- Introducing the DORA metrics and the four key metrics with Benchmark
- Introduction to SPACE Framework, each concept, and how to implement it in your company
- Interactive Q&A session

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Sydney Cohen

CTO, Axolo

Thursday June 6, 2024 7:30am - 7:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

8:30am PDT

[Virtual] PRO TALK (Europe/Latin America): Cracking the Code: Decoding Anti-Bot Systems!
Fabien Vauchelles, Scrapoxy, Anti-Ban Expert and Creator

Join me for a presentation where I share the mysteries of anti-bot systems, protected websites, APIs, and mobile applications ! 🌐📲

🛠️ What's in Store:

1/ Exploring the Defence Layers

Uncover the intricate layers of defence with TCP Fingerprint, TLS Fingerprint, HTTP/2 Fingerprint, and Browser Fingerprint. 🤯🔍

2/ Anti-Bot Reputation Score Demystified

Delve into the workings of the anti-bot reputation score, understanding how it operates across various layers to fortify websites. 🛡️💡

3/ Strategies for Evasion

Discover crafty strategies to navigate through these defences, unveiling techniques to outsmart detection mechanisms. 🕵️‍♂️💨

💼 Equip Yourself

After this talk, you'll emerge well-equipped with knowledge to navigate and comprehend the nuances of these protective measures! 🚀🔒

Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights into the fascinating world of anti-bot systems. 🌐🔓

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Fabien Vauchelles

Creator, Scrapoxy
Fabien Vauchelles is the Anti-Ban Expert at Wiremind. With over a decade of experience in web scraping, Fabien's passion for code and technology helps him to bypass bans. He is the creator of Scrapoxy, an opensource proxy aggregator for webscraping.He had the opportunity to speak... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 8:30am - 8:55am PDT
VIRTUAL Workshop Stage 1

9:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Data Virtualization and Data Platform Integration to build AI without breaking the bank
Zoi Kaoudi, Scalytics, Co-founder & Head of AI
Alexander Alten, Scalytics, Co-founder & CEO

In this session and workshop, we'll dive deep into federated data processing, a technology which enables AI development that prioritizes data privacy and governance. No data movement means your sensitive information stays secure while you build powerful AI models using the computed output.

- Break down data silos: Analyze data at its source, eliminating the need for movement and potential privacy concerns.
- Simplify data access: Gain unified access to diverse data sources for streamlined AI development workflows.
- Enhance data governance: Implement robust access controls and data security measures for responsible AI practices.

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Zoi Kaoudi

Co-founder & Head of AI, Scalytics
Zoi Kaoudi is a co-founder and head of AI of Scalytics as well as an Associate Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen. She is also a Committer and PPMC of Apache Wayang (incubating). Her research interests lie in the intersection of big data management and artificial intelligence... Read More →
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Alexander Alten

Co-founder and CEO, Scalytics
Alex has built many data platforms in his career at Cloudera, Allianz, or e.on, has more than 25 years of data experience. Before founding Scalytics, he founded Infinimesh, X-Warp, and Infinite Devices.

Thursday June 6, 2024 9:00am - 9:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

11:00am PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): The Performance Imperative: Why Agility Was Never the Goal
Marin Niehues, NIehues Consulting, Consultant for Organisational & Product Development

In my professional career, I have experienced the development and implementation of agility at first hand in various organisations. In the process, I have increasingly observed that agility is an end in itself for many companies. But this should never happen under any circumstances.
Rather, it is a strategic tool, a means to an end, to ensure efficient and high-performance product delivery directly to the customer. Whilst agility is a clear way forward in certain contexts, it is not always the universal answer. This is where my talk comes in: It's about understanding that no customer buys internal agile processes; the customer invests in finished, high-quality products that meet their exact needs.

In my presentation, I will shed light on the actual role of agility, emphasise the importance of targeted application and show when exactly agility is preferable as a method. At the same time, I will discuss alternative frameworks that might be more suitable in other scenarios. With extensive experience in organisational development and process management, I combine deep insights into agile methods with a clear vision for effective product development. This talk will offer a critical but constructive exploration of agility, always focussing on how we as entrepreneurs, managers or developers can create the most value for our customers."

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Marin Niehues

Consultant for Organisational & Product Development, Niehues Consulting
Marin Niehues founded his first start-up at the age of 20. It was then that he discovered his passion for developing organisational structures and teams.At the age of 21, he then joined a consulting boutique as a Scrum Master and Agile Coach. As part of this role, he was able to provide... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 11:00am - 11:25am PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

1:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Unlocking the Power of Generative AI with Google Cloud GenAI
Vijaykumar Jangamashetti, Google, Cloud Architect

This session highlights the key capabilities of Google Cloud’s Generative AI's (GenAI) includes Vertex AI portfolio, including Vertex AI Model Garden, Vertex AI Platform, Vertex AI Search, and Vertex AI Conversation, previously use to be GenAI App Builder. It also introduces the recently launched Vertex AI Gen AI APIs and Vertex AI model garden. The session provides an overview of the different tools and services offered by the Vertex AI portfolio, how they can be used to build and deploy generative AI models, and how they can help businesses solve a variety of use cases. 

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Vijaykumar Jangamashetti

Cloud Architect, Google
Vijaykumar Jangamashetti (VJ) is currently working as a Trusted Advisor, Cloud Consulting Architect and a Program Manager at Google for close to 2 years. In this role, he assists customers in designing and architecting their data warehouses to Google Cloud. He also helps customers... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:00pm - 1:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

1:30pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Incorporating AI into your products
Harsh Joshi, Visa, Engineer

A deep dive into making products smarter and more user-friendly by incorporating generative AI. This session takes you through identifying prime opportunities for AI enhancement, navigating the technical landscape, and ensuring ethical considerations. Learn how to leverage high-quality data, select the most effective AI models for your needs, and continuously refine these models for peak performance. Plus, discover how to seamlessly blend AI into your product's user experience, making it not just more intelligent, but also more intuitive and engaging. 

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Harsh Joshi

Engineering, Visa
Harsh Joshi is an engineer with a passion for playing with new technologies. With a background in software engineering and technical training, Harsh has a keen interest in evangelising new technologies to a wider audience. His experiences with open source include Google Summer of... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 1:30pm - 1:55pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

2:00pm PDT

[Virtual] OPEN TALK (Europe/Latin America): Framework & Lessons Learned From Building a Generative AI Application
Jason Tan, Engage AI, Founder & Managing Director

In this session, Jason will delve into the world of building Generative AI applications and the invaluable lessons learned along the way. Join Jason for a captivating session that unveils the framework behind crafting cutting-edge Generative AI solutions and the key takeaways that pave the path to success.

Jason will discuss:

- The foundational framework for developing a robust Generative AI application

- Invaluable insights gained from real-world experiences and challenges faced during the development process

- Lessons learned from overcoming obstacles and refining the application

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Jason Tan

Founder & Managing Director, Engage AI
Jason Tan is the Founder of Engage AI - a Second Brain to technical SME owners in the B2B industry, like Anne Hathaway is to Meryl Streep in the iconic Devil Wears Prada movie. With its impeccable long-term memory and timely information, it acts like an ever-reliable PA. With Engage... Read More →

Thursday June 6, 2024 2:00pm - 2:25pm PDT
VIRTUAL DeveloperWeek Europe / Latin America Main Stage

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